AnimeNext 08 (Part 3)

Jun 22, 2008 21:25

Okies, everyone! Part 3 is going to be all about the Cosplayers in MY group. (Mostly KHR cosplayers anyways...actually, they're all KHR cosplayer! YAYZ!) Oh wait...except for Hentai-san and Gay-sempai :D You'll see who they are later, teehee <33

Ash (Let's just all call him, Hentai-san ;D) and GIANT Pikachu!

Omigosh! I caught Hentai-san cheating on Pikachu with Gay-sempai!

Hentai-san is Ghetto!

Hentai-san: Hey there, Pikachu~ Smile at the camera~
Pikachu: *bright and cute smile*

Hentai-san: Now, Pikachu~! Get inside the ball so I can ass rape you!
Pikachu: Oh noes!
*sigh* Hentai-san is such a perv >w>;;

LOL! xDDD Gay-sempai is really Uke here!

Belphegor loves knives, and is willing to pose for Yamamoto xD

Bianchi!! <33 She was pretty :D

Big Brother and Little Brother <33 Aww I was right next to Tsuna, but I left him alone with Dino <33

Dino showing his totally awesome whip, that we used for Limbo and Jumprope!

Dino attacks Yamamoto for no reason, and Tsuna's just watching xD

Dino doesn't like suprised cameras!

Byakuran thinks Squalo is smexy when he drinks water <33

But Byakuran isn't so bad himself <33

Awww~ Byakuran is a little fanboy too <33

Byakuran goes ORZ

Ken was replaced by Belphegor xDD And younger Mukuro got to have a little of TYL Tsuna <333
They had to do this like 3 times to get it right xDD Tsuna was so shy <333

Lookit Chrome being all mysterious~

It's funny how Chrome can fall asleep almost anywhere. But Chrome wasn't posing at all, in fact, she didn't know what was going on! She was just sleeping in the corner (In those first few pics), and cameras started swarming to her! xDD And she saw flashes and she was like, "Why'd I see a flash?" Byakuran told her, "It's nothing, just go back to sleep." xDD It was hilarious!

This was another Chrome we saw wandering around :D She was the same Chrome who was selling Manga! xD

Then, we met ANOTHER Chrome and she was such a sweet girl. I could tell, even though she wasn't saying anything. I kept trying to approach her, but I keep getting distracted >w>;;

We met the Chrome before the photoshoot and we all posed together :D (And yes, that weirdo on the right is me >w>;;)

Burger King is such a Pimp xDD

>w>;; Uhm...Yea...I can't look Photogenic I failz >A<;;
I'm not as pretty as everyone else!

Uhm @w@ Yayz! I got to sit next to Bossu <33 Bossu was so awesome >w<

@w@ KYAA! More pictures of Bossu! <3333

KYAAA! KYAAAA!!!!!!!! KYAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gokudera-kun! KYAA! >w< Omigosh! I love Gokudera-kun, and she was so nice to me too :D She kep calling me cute and everything. I wished I went to AnimeNext on Sunday too DX *sniff*
And yes, that's Jesus XD He said he liked Yaoi!
Gokudera: C-can you like dance? Ya know? Pop?
Jesus: I can dance to anything
Gokudera: But what about Pop?
Jesus: Anything
Gokudera: Can you dance to Pop?!
Jesus: Anything
Gokudera: Be more specific!
Jesus: I can dance to anything. It's just not good.

I caught Mukuro-chan a little off guard xDD But he thought fast on the 3rd picture <33

(I caught Mukuro-chan off guard again. He really means no harm to Bossu, but this pic was so funny!)
Mukuro: Kufufu~ Sawada Tsunayoshi, you will hand your body over to me. And I mean every...single...part...kufufu~
Tsuna: Hiiii!
Gokudera: Juudaime! You bastard, Mukuro! Let go of Juudaime, or I'll blow you up!

Mukuro: Kufufu~ I'm waiting, Gokudera-chan~
Gokudera: Don't, "Gokudera-chan~" me! Don't you ever touch Juudaime!
Tsuna: Y-you guys!
Carvelo(Sorry I don't remember the name >A<): Don't worry, Vongola, it's the battle for the ultimate Uke. Let them be.
A few hours after they battled...

Tsuna: Y-you can't do this!
Mukuro: I can if I want to, Sawada. I won the battle, kufufu~
Tsuna: ...That's not the point...

Mukuro: Well, thanks for this meal, kufufu~
Tsuna: @A@;;
Gokudera: ...Juu...daime...! *plop*

Mukuro thought Tsuna's body was way too Uke-ish, so he went for a seme body. So he chose Byakuran's. But insted, he made Byakuran Uke...Mukuro was still very satisfied...Kufufu~

Gokudera: Y-You're hiding Juudaime! Give him to me!
Hibari: ...I'm not hiding my herbivore
Gokudera: You bastard! He's my uk- my boss!

>w>;; I didn't really talk to this HIbari much. I was pretty afraid to approach him...
Now I know how everyone in Namimori feels...

@A@ This Hibari was sooo pretty!! She was with us at Sakura Matsuri, but I didn't talk to her much. But at AnimeNext, I was able to be in the same pictures as her! @A@;; I'm soo happy, but so nervous on how the pictures turned out to be!

Ryohei probably had the longest photoshoot out of all of us >w>;;;
On the 3rd photo here, Ryohei screamed out, "EXTREME!" Everyone laughed. I wasn't there to witness the extreme, but I did hear the laughing. Chrome had to tell me in the car, about the awesome extreme-ness

Squalo was uber hot! @A@ He made his photos look epic!

Tsuna-kun~She was sooo sweet. I brought a Gokudera Keychain and it had Korean letters on them, but I couldn't read it. So I asked Tsuna-kun, and she couldn't read it either. Tsuna-kun was really nice and wrote the letters down so that she can ask her friend later on x3 Tsuna-kun, I love you! <33

Well that's it ;D That's everything. Now, let's all follow Nagi and leave this journal entry xP
(I was leaving AnimeNext and my friend helped me take a photo)

animenext, cosplay, anime, manga, games

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