Post anything that you want here: a story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love, anything. Make sure to post anonymously and honestly for as many times as you'd like. Then, put this in your journal to see what others have to say.
:::And for you cooperation:::
Narcissa Malfoy's Top Ten Disgustingly Cute Names for Draco
by Bob Sindeldecker with help from David Middleton
10. Ickle-Drakey-Wakey
9. Drakey-Dookie-Diddy-Dums
8. Drakey-Diddy-Dobby-Doo
7. Snoogie-Woogie-Drakey-Poo
6. Drakey-Dinky-Dookie-Doodums
5. Drakey-Poopsie-Oopsie-Goo
4. Drakey-Dimsy-Mimsy-Doo-Doo
3. Drakey-Doody-Sweetie-Dookums
2. Dipsy-Doopsy-Drakey-Poo
1. YOU %!#@&* BRAT!!!