
Sep 12, 2005 18:13

yeah i'm super bored. i havent been on here in forever. i dont even know what the last thing i posted was..haha. oops. well my comptuer has been broken for a while. its a piece of crap, my mouse dont work, and its not the mouse, its the stupid computer 'cause we tried a diffrent one, so i gotta use the keyboard to do everything. gayyy.

so yeah my summer was pretty good i guess. i went to the emanuel/circa survive show, which was awsome (i think i might've posted about this? dont remember..) then i went to warped tour. which was amazing. so much fun for the 2nd year in a row. i went to ny a few times, and hung out with casey, and she came here for about a week also. which is always fun. :) lol. and i went camping for my dads side of the family reunion. and then the next weekend me my dad and my 2 brothers were going camping at this place we go to every year, and katie came with us. that was a lot of fun. its complicated to walk in a river with slippery rocks. and against the rapids. i had so many cuts and bruises on my legs. and then i had a scrape on my ass from falling and being taken down the river. lol. it was fun though. and katie lost her flip flop twice, but my older brother got it both times. and omg we were being attacked by ducks!!! lol i've been going there since i was born atleast once every summer, and my dads been going there forever before that lol and we have never seen ducks before. but yeah they wouldnt leave us alone!! lol and every time my little brother would say. aflack!! they start quacking extremely loud!, it was funny.

i went to the mall and got new school clothes. not much stuff. i got 2 tilt jeans from pac sun, which i love, 'cause they're the only brand where a 7 is too big for me! lol i should've tried a 5, but oh well. i love them. and i got a green sweater from there. its cute. the sleeves are super long. and i <3 it lol. and i got a charlie and the chocolate factory shirt from hot topic. and i got green and black low top converses. (not like the high top converses, they have like the star and that other thingy on the side) from journeys. there cute. i love them too lol. hmm i think thats all i really got from the mall? oh and i got a bra from victoria secrets lol. and then like a week later me and my mom walked to mandees and i got 10 pair of super cute underwear lol. and i got this blouse sorta thingy from rainbow. i love it. its kinda tight on my chest lol, but i love it. yeah that was basically it i guess.

and monday, well technically tuesday. i was talking to javi on aim, with my brothers cell phone. and i was supposed to hang out with him monday afternoon but i wrote down the wrong phone number so yeah i couldnt :'( so yeah he wanted me to sneak out to hang out with him, and i actually did. hes been telling me to sneak out for about a year now lol. so yeah i met him half way, and went to his house and we hooked up, which was like at 1am. and i left around 3. yeah it was weird. especially since he lives on like the opposite side of town then i do lol. but on the way to meeting him, i was talking to katie on aim, and on the way back i was talking to katie and karly. but i sorta regret it now, 'cause he can be a real asshole sometimes. like i havent even really talked to him since then. soo w/e lol.

uhm tuesday i hung out with karly and amanda, and karlys ex-b/f was literally following us the whole time. it was really creepy. its too much to explain lol.

then wednsday school started. and i had the wrong freaking italian class. my counsler gave me italian 1 again. so the next morning i made an appointment so friday i got it changed. and my whole schedual got changed 'cause i didnt want dental anymore. so this is how my schedual goes:
1st pd.: us history 2, my teachers pretty cool, but i hate the kids in my class.
2nd pd.: algebra 2, its an ok class, my teacher is a good teacher for me, he explains things and goes over them well. i need that so i understand right away, and then it comes easy to me. the people are ok i guess.
3rd pd.: american lit. my teachers pretty cool. and i have tania in that class with me, and i sit next to her, so thats cool. and shes already gonna try to see if we can go to ellis island which would be really cool. and karly has her 1st pd. so she'd probly go too.
4th pd.: italian. its pretty gay.
5th pd.: chorus. i have no one to talk to :'(
6th pd.: chemistry, the teachers pretty easy, but the class is gayy.
7th pd.: gym. my actual class sucks, but katie, kim, karly, amanda and vanessa have it the same period as me and when you're a junior you get to pick what thing you want to do from like aerobics, weight room, football, and soccer. at first i said i'm gonna do aerobics, but i think i'm gonna do weight room instead, 'cause for aerobics you gotta go run sometimes, so that sucks lol and the weight room is air conditioned. and its not really hard at all. soo yeah i'm not sure yet..
8th pd.: family living. its pretty cool, my teacher was my cooking teacher 1st semester sophmore year, shes pretty cool. right now we're learning about ourselves and stuff. and like at the end of the semester we have like a fake wedding. which is cool.

uhmmm friday night me katie michele lizzie and their friend jennifer went to flips. it was a lot of fun. especially talking about herpes. lmao. and then the cops came and told us to leave 'cause they were closing which was pretty gay. the saturday around 4ish? i went to karlys then carmine and katie came and around 8:30 me and katie left to go walk around, 'cause karlys not really ever allowd to do anything. but we went to my house first so i could change. 'cause it was cold and i was wearing a skirt and tank top. so i put jeans and my afs hoodie on. and katie borrowed one of my swimming hoodies. then sunday around 4ish i went to karlys and hung out w/ her amanda and tania. and we went to ninos pizza for like 2-3 hours. 'cause of this guy that works ther. that karly apparently has a thing and he has a thing for her too. hes ok looking. but they all think hes sooo hot. and they kept saying he had a mohawk ('cause ok amanda and karly went there earlier in the day, and then they went to tanias and found $5 on the floor so then they went back, 'cause one of them couldnt eat before 'cause they didnt have any money before.) and then when i was at karlys we were just sitting on the basketball court at the park which is across the street from her house. amanda was hungry so we went back there, and i'm thinking this guy is super hot the way they explain him, like he has this awsome mohawk. and we get there. and hes not super hot, and not only is he not super hot, but he doesnt really have a mohawk. it was a feuxhawk (sp??) yeah so i was pretty disappointed.

hm yeah today was pretty boring. ew myspace isnt working 'cause i guess they're located in LA. 'cause when i went on it was just saying network not responding. network might be down or broken. and then when casey went on it said "much of LA is out of power. will return shortly" its pretty pathetic how much i feel the need to be on it constantly lol. i put up a "whore" picture yesterday lol. its me on my bed in just my underwear and bra. i think its cute, otherwise i wouldnt have put it up. and i like the attention i get from it. i'll admit, i love getting attention, especially from guys. lol

the oc started last thursday. it was so sad :'( lol

laguna beach is on tonight. cant wait, lol. and that new show on mtv comes on too, the one where people want their own reality show. yeah it seems interesting.

omg. i HATE lacey from the real world. shes soo annoying. ugh.

lol i love these shows. i'm such a dork.

i've deff. changed from last year. its weird, like i'm all into makeup, and trying to look good.

and ohh i think i like this kid rob. i kinda had a crush on him last year during crew, but yeah i've been talking to him a bit recently. hes really cool.

oohhh yeah. i might be going to see circa survive october 8th. with gil, victor, rob and katie. hopefully if i can lol. that'd be awsome. but casey cant come :'( which sucks big time. it'll be weird going with out her, like i'm afraid i'll feel awkward without knowing shes there :(

and supposedly the matches are playing at the continental in nyc november 20th which is a sunday. but oh well. i'm going! i havent seen them in over a year, i'm going! lol
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