buying shit... I should really stop buying shit... XD

Jun 27, 2006 15:30

They just had to do it. They just had to!! Volks USA is selling the V-jeans I've been lusting after ever since... 2 Dolpas ago? I think... when I saw them and wanted them but the links for the stupid V-jeans weren't working! >< Godammit that was so frustrating... But now the US site has them! :D Okay, so I totally don't have the money for this, now... >_> And they ship UPS, which is gonna charge me stupid, outrageous customs fees and make me really stupidly upset... And credit cards are completely evil, as we all know! But... I am getting 2 weeks of full-time (which I hadn't been expecting) in the next month... and... Dammit! I want them. *grr* Lord help the first one who calls me crazy for this... Also, since I have two minis, now, I couldn't resist what seriously appear to be almsot the same pair, but mini-size!

If I actually did have the money at the moment... that damn cute skeleton set would be mine, too. :\ It totally would. I've been lusting after that for months too. :( And look! They have a new mini set to lust after - TaDa!


Sometimes I seriously hate Volks for the cute stuff they come out with...

Aaaaaaand... I really should've stopped at the jeans, BUT! I finally found a pair of glass eyes in the PERFECT color for Halla. I've been searching ever since I got her cheap acrylic ones - adoring the color and hating the cheap look and feel of the actual eyes. But glass eyes just aren't usually made in nice light browns... until now. :D Momoya eyes sold by 16mm Light Honey. They look absolutely freakin' divine on the site. Oh, I hopehopehope they look as good in person! XD


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