Experimenting with Darker Hair - Aniqa

Apr 12, 2015 21:19

Was having trouble bonding with Aniqa and was selling her for a while but didn't get any bites. I thought I'd change her style a bit and take some more pictures for a new sales thread and now... I kind of like her again? Gyaaa! I like the darker hair, though... I think I will keep her and try to get her sueded at some point...

Balancing leaning forward on a fountain!

Aniqa: Angell Studio Mandarava w/ "one-off" faceup from Angell Studio.
Wig: Volks Hewitt 2 wig
Eyes: Dollshe Urethane
Clothes: top, socks and shoes from eLuts and skirt from Volks

aniqa, dolls

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