Ice-like Soul (Tyson: LLT Roderich)

Jan 16, 2013 14:49

Basically the same pictures as on my DoA post (here: so if you've seen those, you can skip this post. XD Feel free to comment either place.

Ty is in the process of being re-shelled, as some might know. He's been a Limho Mono, but I purchased a new LLT Roderich (WS) head for him about a year ago and had him painted by meggilu a few months back. He's still currently bodiless, but I decided to steal Eddie's body for a few pictures with him. ^^; I tell myself it's only fair since Eddie used to steal Alex's body back when he didn't have one, so he's just returning the favor. ;)

I love how 'cool' he turned out, almost impersonal or aloof... just perfect for Ty. Like a marble statue, beautiful but cold. :)

For the record, the body he's on (Eddie's) is a Nobility Doll Emotional Boy Body in WS, if anyone's curious. The match is decent, just a tiny bit whiter than the head (which has pinky undertones).

dolls, ty

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