Pictures from the meet yesterday.

Mar 19, 2012 20:10

Only Con (the Loongsoul Ivan - red hair) belongs to me. If you see a doll that belongs to you and want them credited, please let me know. I know a lot of real names, but not a lot of LJ usernames and such.

Ringdoll Limited - so freaking hot. Those abs!!! *dies*

gwendolinh's boy

Cats' girl... I think?

miffimifster's awesome shoes from CherishDoll - so cute. Ni wants a pair. >>

'Flexibility' contest. XD

The clear winner, jeorge's boy:

kersuru's Hush on the left.

Con, bein' a dork... or rather, putting up with me being one.

J's crew:

dolls, meetup

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