Body Shots - LoongSoul Ivan (Connor)

Mar 05, 2012 15:14

So... someone requested these a while back and I was kind of waiting until I had the house to myself to do them (you'll know why when you look XD). So I got some time this weekend! Finally~ lols.

Con says he was only too happy to oblige this person's request... even if they claimed to not actually be the reason for it. ;)

Body Shots of a LoongSoul Ivan (73cm boy body) - a little bit of posing but mostly just er... showing off? XD

So the LoongSoul (73cm) boy body has a 3-piece torso. The top torso pops out pretty easy and is very flexible. The lower joint is a bit tougher but once you get it out, is also pretty flexible (it just takes more work!). XD

He has broad shoulders and his body narrows at the waist, which I think is great for Con 'cuz I always said he has a runner's build (he runs every morning). He's got a pretty nice ass, too. ;)

He does sitting poses very nicely. He has double-jointed knees and a swivel at the top of his thigh. The swivel joint does not pop out, which would be nice... but I'm used to it with the rest of my dolls, so... *shrugs* He also has double-jointed elbows (which is also nice) and both of the double-joints are relatively easy to work and hold poses well. :)

Random Pretty Shot!!! Bwa-ha-ha!

Mmm... smexy. :3

And then we get to the important bits - his junk! XD Heheheh... I think it's a decent size and nicely sculpted. He's like Con - not the biggest I've seen, but not small, either. :P

He's not shy at all...

His legs are very long; I think, personally, I would rather him have a longer torso and shorter legs, but it works. His legs are also nicely sculpted and muscley. :3

His 3-piece torso pops out and lets him swivel sideways as well as giving a range of movement to bed [edit: 'bend' lols... you can see where my mind is at XD] forwards and backwards.

There's that cute ass, again. ;3

Nippleses! lols. X3

connor, dolls

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