So I'm still experimenting with the Liz as Niamh idea. I actually carved out my Baby's original gorgeous sea-green eyes and transplanted them. I kept thinking of the Doll Master movie as I did it - the line about the eyes holding the soul of the doll... I wonder if that's true? Nah. XD But anyway~ It definitely helped tarnsform the Liz mold just that much more into the perfect Ni. Yup. I think I'm liking it this time 'round...
The first time I got the Liz thinking it would be a new Ni... I think the change freaked me out. The suddeness of it or something. But trying again... I like it so much more. Still not 100% if this is a permanent change, but... she's definitely gonna stay like this for a while. We'll see how it goes. :3
Oh, and I put the Liz on Ni's SD13 girl body - I think I like it better, at least as Ni. She feels more... right. The proportions are also better this way around. The Liz head is actually a lot larger than the Mimi13, so it looks better on the larger SD13 girl body. This also means the Mimi13 head looks better on the SD10 body, since it's smaller. Weird. That was the other thing I was always thinking about... I used to want Ni on an SD10 body so she would be shorter than the rest of my crew (she's only 5'4" in character after all). Now it seems like if this switch works, she'll change heads (never expected) and keep her SD13 body (which I had wanted to swap...). Things sure do have a way of working out oddly in life, don't they?
Anyhoo. On to the pictures. ^^
This is a large set, so if you wanna wait, there'll be a DoA 'select few' post up in a bit and I'll edit for the link when that's done. :)
DoA Post here: I wanted to see how Halla would look with the new Ni, so...
Not bad? XD They're definitely different molds. Halla is so anime-ish and Ni is so soft and natural this way... They don't match as well, anymore. But. Ah, well. ^^ Halla's head is also smaller, so I run into the same problems photographing them as I do when I take pictures of Ray and Alex, or Ray and Em. Gotta pay attention to the perspective angles...
Halla is sitting on Ni's leg, here. XD It's so unusual... Character-wise, the way I have to shoot these two now (Ni behind, Halla on Ni, etc.) is so backward...
And now, let's start off with Halla. ^^ Look! Her cross is the right-way 'round this time. XD It's new-ish, but she had it for the group shot (where it turned around and hid behind her at her back without me noticing). It's so to-scale; I love it. :3
Ni watching Halla... They both still do this sometimes. Just... watch each other.
Moving on to shots of 'new' Ni, now with her classic sea-green ocean eyes. <3
Here you can see the whole package - Liz!Ni on the SD13 body. Much better. Yes. Much better, I think. :3
She's wearing a hat made by
miffimifster. It's pink-and-black striped with a cute lil' bow. ;3
Little-Bit Omake: Sunset-Soaked
Portrait Shots
And then the cold got to me. XD It was gorgeous outside today, but it's still winter and when you stay out there with no gloves being finnicky with dolls for an hour it starts to get to you. ^^;;; We moved inside for a few more shots - I wasn't ready to stop, yet. I thought I'd try and do a few more 'traditional' portrait shots that some people do - with just a nice backdrop and the best lighting I could manage. I still had to brighten these afterward, but all-in-all, I was quite pleased. Her eyes just shone in a few and it made me happy.
Kinda sad, but sweet - that's my Ni, these days. ♥
The classic Ni 'Excuse me?' face. Confused but attentive. XD
Stare-y. Lost in space. Another Ni trait these days. All too often.
This is like... she was spaced out, but something's just caught her attention and she has an opinion on it. You can practically see her mouth about to open so she can throw in her 32 cents on the issue. XD
Classic Ni. Warm, soft smile. Adorable, sweet, and beautiful. Ya... Mm-hm. Definitely see potential here...
And one more with both Halla and Ni.
So that's it for today. I can't help it; I adore my Ni-baby. I think it's possible she's found a more appropriate shell... Still... Still not saying for certain, yet. It's been a fun experiment so far, though. ;)