shall I stop teasing? I suck at keeping secrets anyway~

Jan 24, 2009 19:18

So I realized the other morning... Hey, I've been using the new girl's name all over the place - and I was supposed to be keeping it a secret until I put these pictures up. XD

Ah well... I sucked at the suspense this time. So sue me, I'm usually better at being evil than this! XD

Heh heh heh...

Okay. Well anyhoozits! The new girl is... *drum roll for those who somehow don`t know yet~~~~* Wynnifred!! Otherwise known as just 'Wynn' to most. :3 She is Pru's Mommy - so like I said last time, really it was damn time this girl came home. XD I mean, considering the fact her daughter has been here over a year (since December 2007). ^^; Yipes!

But somehow or other, other peeps just kept jumping the line. XD Eventually, I suppose, she decided it was time to resort to cunning and weasle her way in (though I'm sure she objects to the word 'weasling') by trickery - pretending to be a new Ni, indeed. XP

So aside from her previous stand-alone pics in the last post, she had to have pics with her daughter and Alex (best friend and Pru's god-father), too. :3

So... tada! Here they are in all their adorableness. :3 Enjoy!

Pru: An' Uncie Ray an' Unclexi took me fishing, Mommy! An' an' an'... I caughta FISH! An' he was thiiiiiiiis big!! :D
Wynn: That is amazing! And what else did you do while I was gone?

Pru: Mmm... We made cookies! An' Unclexi took me to ballet classes!
Wynn: Sounds like fun, Pru.

Pru: It was fun! ... But I still missed you, Mommy!
Wynn: *smiling softly* Well, I'm home now, okay?
Pru: An' you're staying right, Mommy?
Wynn: Of course, I'm staying.
Pru: Yay! Are you gonna take me to ballet now, Mommy?
Wynn: Yes, I will take you to ballet.
Pru: An' fishing?!
Wynn: It's too cold to go fishing now, Pru...
Pru: But... mm... ina summer?
Wynn: ... Maybe. Your Uncle Ray can still take you fishing, too, though. Uncle Ray likes to go fishing.
Alex: *smile quirking* Your Mom's not really the fishing type, love.
Pru: Aww... Mommy~

Pru: You should come fishing wif us in summer! You'll like it, Mommy~
Wynn: *leaning sideways to rest against Alex lightly, her hands wrapped lightly but steadily on her little girl's waist, keeping her from tumbling as Pru continues to talk and bounce in time to her own words. Her smile wide, she half-turns to Alex even as Pru keeps talking, oblivious* Thank you... for taking care of her.
Pru: You hafta stay still and veeeery quiet and not spook t'fish! And then when you catch 'em... when you catch 'em they come up splashing and shiny and wiggly! An' then Uncle Ray cooks 'em and they taste so good, Mommy!
Alex: *smiling softly back and hugging his friend one-armed* Don't mention it. I love her like I love you... of course I'm gonna look after her.

Posy Pictures :3


I can't help it, he's just too pretty! I can't stop taking pictures of this boy. XD

So cute, Pru! :3

And again, with Alex. XD

Group shot! Family and friends. :)

Mom and Daughter

I adore this pic 'cuz it looks like Wynn's taking it. XD So easily amused am I... ^^

downward shots = Liz smile. :3 So sweet.


chillin' after the shoot

like mother-like daughter poses. :3

ZOMBIE SHOT!! D: RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!! (a.k.a. my camera does weird things, sometimes o_O does this mean it's dying? oh noes~~)

Now she just needs her spectacles. 8)

wynnifred, alex, dolls, pru

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