some kind o' fairy tale

Jan 12, 2009 20:18

Well, it took 2 years for her to find her way home, but she's finally here and complete and may I say... simply perfect.

Amelia was one of those molds that I liked when she was released, but gradually fell in love with when I started to see owner pics and most especially... repaints. Sure, she's a gorgeous girl, default. She's... pretty, default. But as pretty as she is, the over-grown, fairy-tale Barbie look was not what hooked me. No, I saw artists like Ulat and gabriel and belladonna *swoons over Haylee [or formerly Haylee I should say, perhaps ^^]* doing something different, seeing something different. A lot of them saw boys. ^^; But mostly what I'm talking about is the darker faceups that came out. They stopped trying to 'prettify' the strength in Amelia's features, the large, seductive eyes, and the regal nose, the hint of a smirk at the corner of her lips that taunts and teases and hints at something deeper than barbie-girl-logic... and I... fell in love. She was gorgeous. And more than that, there was just something special about her that drew me in and hit me in that special place in my heart - you know the spot, the soft spot where special people and things and places just wiggle right in and stick. That part.

And after nearly 2 years of pining and working my way up to being okay with her 'OMG' second-hand-pricetag (it takes a while for me to work up to these prices, okay? ^^;)... she's finally here. Finally home.

You've all seen the head shots (or maybe you have... anyway, I posted them back when I first got her head) but now she has a body, too! How exciting!! :D And it's an Amelia body, too! ^^ Yay Perfect Resin Match Yay! :3

So without further ado... I introduce the new girl (YES! an Amelia GIRL XD), Amelie. (Ack! Ya... Heh heh heh... I fail in the imagination department with this one. Amelia becomes Amelie - she's just been my One-Day-Amelia for so long... ^^ she's just Amy, to me).

God, this girl (and her fellow x-mas purchases) have made me so so poor these few months. XD Ah, well... brief poverty in return for happiness. :3 Fair trade.

God, she has gorgeous legs. O_O And feet! I love the shape of her high-heel feet - but she SO does not stand unsupported with them on! XD She stands better in her flat feet. :) I had my reservations about the SD16 girl "oversized barbie" body, but in person, it is SO nice (at least imho). I really like her. She's BIG, but not too big. ^^;

She's dressed in her (one-and-only) specifically-for-SD16-girl Volks outfit here (plus scarf from the loverly kersuru) and SD16 girl Volks boots, but I've found she fits long-leg SD13 boy pants decent (they are a little short, though, if she sits - I like my pants really long). She fits Luts boy pants even BETTER though. ^^; Yay! They sit low on her hips (lower than on an SD13 boy, though look fine) and are a great length. They are not too big, they stay put and the circumferance of her thighs/calfs seem to be about the right size yay! SD13 boy shirts, however, though they also 'fit,' do not shape to her curves. :\ She will need more shirts. But she can share pants with Alex! :D This is awesome - that I can make 2 of my guys happy with one purchase - that's always a good thing! It makes my wallet happy. XD It also means she has at least some variety of wardrobe whilst my wallet recovers from this Winter season. Sorry, Alex! Gotta share for a while. ;)

Hope you guys like her. :3

Oh! Her faceup is by Sakuli. FYI. (though I took off the beard that was part of it >>)

amy, dolls, amelia

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