
Apr 20, 2008 19:27

So I have officially got a taste of living on my own - in apartment-living no less... I cat-sat at my Aunt's apartment for a week while she was in B.C. I have to admit... the first few days I seriously felt like I was living in a box. I don't really know how else to explain it. It's like I had my own little person-sized compartment. You walk into this giant building and you have this little piece of it. There's people above and below you and to the side of you... and you feel like that's your little box. You don't mix. You don't really see other people. Everyone stays in their boxes. It's... odd. Very odd. I felt like I somehow was not a part of the larger world like that, tucked away in my box. Very stifling.

But as for the people and the noise... actually, I didn't mind that at all. The people upstairs had kids, and around 3:45 every day you'd hear them running around and shouting and stuff, but it was muffled. And the guy next door liked Bob Marley a whole lot XD but I do, too, so... *shrugs* Didn't mind that, either. And really... I liked being surrounded by people and noise. I am definitely a city girl. ^^ It was comforting, somehow, feeling/hearing life all around you. When I'm alone, at home, in our house... it's soooo quiet. It's spooky. >> I tend to like turn on the dishwasher and stuff just to hear the noise at night... So yes, I liked the people.

All in all, I am not sold on apartment living... but I didn't hate it, either. I could see some good points. *nods* Not sure. Still reserving judgment.

But WOW did she have a view. O_O She's on the 19th floor, and her view looks out right onto the legislative grounds (our parliament building). At night... the lights... my god, it's pretty. *_* And during the day you can see for miles... right out to the horizon, and you can see the curvature of the earth, that beautiful prairie line of the world curling away from you... Damn, I love the horizon on the prairie. Living here... this is why mountainous horizons make me feel trapped. You don't really know unless you've grown up on a prairie, when you see mountains on the horizon somewhere else and get that feeling of the land towering over you and swallowing you even though the mountains in question might be miles and miles away... There is nothing like the freedom of a prairie horizon. I swear...

Anyhoo. Pictures?

Her view like woah.

Vertigoooooooo.... I tried not to look down too much. O_O *is a little afraid of heights...*

The city at night. :3 So pretty...

She also has a cat! Obviously. XD Alfie. Alfie is the bulemic skeleton cat of love. :3 He's like a freaking rail! So light... o_O He can't be more than 4 pounds, I swear... very freaky. He's very erm... vocal, when he wants something... and he EATS like he's always starving. XD He eats about twice as much food as cats normally should be eating... I don't know where he puts it... O_o He also can be cutely playful still, at 12 years, and likes to curl up on your lap and get pets every so often (d'aww... :3). He was a pain in the ass (he jumps up on the dressers and knocks stuff over when you don't wake up to feed him right away. grr). But loveable. Damn cats. They just wriggle into your heart, don't they? ^^


oh hey... I could've sworn I just made the bed... who messed it up? o_O

OMG IT'S A CAT! :O ... XD He's so skinny, you can barely tell he's under there when he curls up to sleep. o_O Weird cat. Lesson learned: always check the rumply bed before you sit on it. Very important. ^^;;;

So anyway... It was good. I didn't starve, yay! I proved to myself I can totally cook. >3 Well... enough things for one week, anyway. XD I also took Ray for a few days, and had Ni the rest. Funny, I totally cooked more and better things when I had Ray. :P When I had Ni, that's when the Lipton's chicken-noodle soup and snacks came out. XD Fitting, ne? But anyway, I took pics of Ni and Ray, too, that week... so those will be up shortly. :)

Yay I posted life things! XD This will quickly be followed by dolls. :D Heheheh...


cats, rl

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