Distractions in the form of a long-ago-requested Meme

Dec 17, 2007 15:59

Because writing makes me feel good?

>>; This one may seem familiar... maybe... to some of you...

As requested by pris84... we have a repeat of a meme with a different five characters. XD

1. Choose a few of your own characters. Five at the most.
2. Make them answer the following questions.
3. Then tag three people.
4. Feel free to go ahead and add some questions yourself!
5. Be prepared to answer any questions people feel need to be asked.

Characters: Alex, Ray, Ni, Halla, and Shane - Dinnerparties Yay?! :D

Alex: So there's this meme thing goin' round... *snuggling his back into Ray a bit to encourage his boy's arms to wrap around him, sitting on the floor between his legs round a low, japanese-style dinner table heaped with the remnants of dinner*
Ni: We're doing a meme? *bright eyes eager for anything that provides a distraction from the slight awkwardness of sitting at a table with your ex-girlfriend and her new best friend*
Alex: *nodding, laughter chiming* That is what I propose, yes...

How old are you?

Ni: Eighteen!! *face proud*
Halla: *bemused grin twitching* Twenty.
Ray: *arms wrapped around Alex's waist and pulling him in tight* Twenty-three... you cradle-robber you...
Alex: *low chuckle in his chest as his eyes warm and he grins* Indeed... Forty-nine.
Shane: *small, mysterious sort of smile, looking relaxed, leaning back on her hands* Forty-nine? *her voice low and sweet, smoother than Halla's smoky purr* You're forty-nine?
Alex: *giving her a slow, pointed look and nodding* Yep...
Shane: ... ... ... Twenty-eight.

What's your height?

Ni: Five-four!
Halla: Six-foot. *glancing at Ni with a fond smile*
Shane: Six-four.
Alex: Five-eight and a bit?
Ray: *nodding* Sounds about right... Five-nine and a bit for me.

What are you?

Ni: Confused... *face clouding, nose wrinkling* What kind of question is that? I dun' get it...
Halla: Me, either... *eyebrow lowering over one squinted eye*
Shane: ...
Alex: Well... he's human... I'm not.
Shane: You're not?
Alex: Nope... What about you?
Shane: ... *shrugs, looking away* Maybe that's not what it's asking at all... I'm a singer. Write my own songs, too...
Alex: ... *shrugging, too* Alright... in that case, I'm a student.
Ray: And I would be a struggling sous-chef-to-be...
Alex: *squeezing Ray's leg and patting it* You'll make it baby... And one day have a fantastic place of your own... just as soon as you're ready...
Ni: I'm with Alex, then. Student. *beaming*
Halla: And I would be a... full-time employee at the local bookstore? That sounds so... unglamourous. I liked it better when we were confused...

Do you have any bad habits?

Ni: Probably... yes. I mean, maybe. I mean, it depends what you consider a bad habit.
Halla: Like sleeping in 'til noon every day?
Ni: Hey~ *mock offended, giggling* I get up for school all the time, now!
Halla: Ya? And what time do your classes start?
Ni: ... Two. So? You're... addicted to coffee!
Halla: I am not addicted to coffee...
Ni: Are so!
Halla: Am not...
Ray: He writes all his papers last minute.
Ni: Oh... *blushing a bit and ducking her head* I do that, too...
Alex: Hey, I get them done. You leave your wet shower towels on the bed after you change and they get the sheets all wet...
Ray: They dry.
Shane: ...

Are you a virgin?

*in unison*: No. *various fits of laughter*

Who's your mate/spouse? If not, got anyone in mind?

Halla: *glancing at Ni, who looks away* I... no. No one.
Ni: Umm... *rolling her bottom lip between her teeth* Well, there is... y'know... I mean, I was gonna mention it tonight, maybe... I just... kinda...
Alex: Phae. *face serious, half-shrugging as he gives Halla a sympathetic look* 'Parently they're sort of 'dating' or something... Only they haven't actually been on a date, yet... But she likes him. You knew that...
Halla: I knew that...
Ray: *running fond fingers back through Alex's hair and turning his head for a nuzzling kiss against his temple* And we're obviously together...
Shane: Obviously... *shaking her head with a wry smile* I have a girl. Ya... a very special one.
Alex: Yes... we are together.
Ray: *tone gentle* And you have Cy...
Alex: *nodding, smiling warmly as his fingers pick at Ray's worn jeans* Yes... there is Cy, too.

Do you have any kids?

Alex: No... no kids. *sounding sad, wistful* If only that were possible, eh RayRay? Would you have my kids, baby?
Ray: In a heartbeat, uccelino... You know it.
Halla: No kids for me, either...
Ni: None yet. But I want lots! Lots! And they'll look just like me! And I'll smother them with kisses every single day! And cook for them every single night!
Halla: You're going to cook for your kids? How cruel... *teasing*
Ni: Well... *blushing again* Maybe someone else will cook... but I'll eat with them every night! *sticking out her tongue at Halla*
Shane: I haven't. No... No kids.

What's your favorite food?

Ni: Ice cream! No... wait... Strawberries! Strawberries and whipped cream! Angel-food cake! Angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream and ice cream! Oh... I'm making myself hungry again... Is there dessert?
Ray: Yes... there's dessert... I think the rest of us still need a little time to digest though, yes?
Alex: Yes... *chuckling, smoothing a hand over Ray's fingers* I like anything Ray cooks, but especially the hot, sweet things... He makes a hot-chocolate Lava cake that's to die for...
Halla: You two and your sweets... *shaking her head with a soft sigh* I like... pancakes. Blueberry pancakes... with real maple syrup.
Shane: Mmm... that sounds good. I like nuts and granola-type things... Nut bars are good.
Ray: Squirrel food?
Shane: Yes... *low laughter* Squirrel food.
Ray: I love lasagna...
Alex: Ooh, lasagna... He makes a good lasagna, too...
Ray: Sometimes I think you only stay for the food... *teasing and tickling Alex's sides 'til he squirms*
Alex: Hey! *laughing, wriggling until he stops, out of breath* Not just for the food...

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

Alex: No. No ice cream... Cold... Too cold. Ice cream is not fun...
Ni: I pity you... I love aaaall kinds!
Halla: Vanilla.
Shane: *chuckling* Very straight-laced...
Halla: You'd never guess it, would you? *amusement in her eyes and a quiet smile*
Shane: Mm... maybe. AS for me, I don't think it's really a flavor of ice cream... but at the corner ice cream place they make this thing called a Buster Parfait... soft vanilla ice cream drenched in layers of hot fudge and roasted peanuts... It is... awesome.
Ray: I really like most anything with swirls of peanut butter or caramel in it...

Have you killed anyone?

Ni: No!!! *wide-eyed*
Halla: *quiet, but shakes her head*
Shane: No.
Ray: Uh, noooo....
Alex: ... ... ... I really don't wanna ruin the buzz, here, okay? Next question?

Do you hate anyone?

Ni: Uh... yes? No. Maybe? I dunno... Sometimes?
Ray: Yes... *not elaborating*
Alex: Yes. *also, not elaborating*
Shane: Gee, everyone's so cheery, now... Yes.
Halla: And no one wants to talk... Also, yes.

Have any secrets?

*everyone blinking, then bursting out in a mix of laughter... except Ni*
Ni: What? What's everyone think is so funny? And what was with that last question? Nobody wants to talk? Talking these things out can help, you know... it's not good to keep everything all bottled up inside--
Halla: Give it a rest, babe. Let's just keep this evening nice and light, okay?

Do you love anyone?

Shane: Does that mean romantic love?
Alex: I would think so... I mean, we're all normal, well-adjusted beings, right? Obviously we love our friends... family?
*nods from all round*
Alex: So we'll assume it means romantic love...
Ni: *pouting now, lips twisted and caught in her teeth* Maybe... I dunno... I might. S'pose...
Halla: *expression softening as she watches Ni's turned back* Yes...
Alex: *pulling Ray's arms tighter, smile soft but widening* Yes.
Ray: *blue eyes adoring as he gladly wraps tighter around Alex, nuzzling into his neck* Yes... definitely.
Shane: *smiling gently, watching the boys* Yes... me, too.

What is your job?

Alex: Student.
Ni: Me, too. *beginning to brighten again already*
Halla: I work in a bookstore...
Shane: I get by on coffee-shop gigs as a singer.
Ray: I feel like we've been over this, already... Tho' I am currently working in the kitchen at Cuore. Not a sous-chef position, though the boss likes me and one of the current sous-chefs should be retiring in a few months or so...

Boy or girl?

Ni: Wha?
Alex: I'm not sure how to answer this one, either...
Ni: I'm a girl?
Halla: Woman.
Shane: Female.
Ray: Definitely male.
Alex: Ya... guy. This's too obvious... Sexual preference maybe? 'm gay.
Ray: Flamingly... *teasing, nipping at an ear to make Alex's laughter ring and feel him squirm* Me, too. Not so flamingly...
Halla: Gay, yes.
Shane: *nodding* Me, too.
Ni: ... ... ... Undecided.
Halla: *voice quieter* She likes guys...
Ni: ...

What do you do to relax?

Ni: Have dessert.
Ray: *chuckling, sighing, carefully unentangling himself from Alex and getting up* Point taken.
Alex: I'll help clear the table... *also getting up, all liquid grace as bare feet pad over hardwood, kicking pillows out of the way as he clears the low table*
Halla: Me, too. I'll help.
Ni: We'll wait... the kitchen is only so big.
Ray: *voice carrying from the apartment kitchen, the 'much larger than most apartment kitchens' kitchen* My kitchen is huge and beautiful...
Ni: Well, still... *staying put, though she gathers plates to hand off to Halla and Alex as they come back for them* Can't have everyone running into each other... that's just silly...
Shane: *shoulders shaking in silent laughter*

What's something that you like?

Ray: What?
Ni: It says, 'What's something that you like?' That's what it says... the next question! *raising her voice to carry into the kitchen where Ray and Alex are still getting dessert ready to serve*
Ray: Something that I like, hm? *voice lowering to the tune of Alex's own darker laughter. There's a pause in the answer... then*
Ni: So?
Alex: *voice low and just a touch breathy* He's demonstrating his answer, I think...
Ray: Mmm... definitely.
Halla: Just put down, 'Fucking Alex.'
Ni: *blushing bright red* Okay... *giggling* They're not actually...?
Halla: *already back at the table* I doubt it. Ray's a good boy, after all...
Shane: I like to sing... Take my guitar out and work through my songs... Sometimes just strum... Like to be outside... in the woods... s'often as I can, too.
Halla: I like having my own place...
Ni: *smiling at that* I like... school. Actually going to school with people...
Alex: And I... *finally coming back from the kitchen, looking only a little mussed and carrying three plates of dessert - peach cobbler - the gorgeous smell of it drifting ahead of him* I like fucking, too...
Ray: *strolling in behind him with the other two plates, his casual outfit of soft hoodie and jeans, not to mention his short hair, obviously a touch harder to muss* I've noticed that over the years...
Alex: *handing out the plates* I also like fooling around in general... even when I get all worked up because of someone's teasing and then nothing happens... *giving Ray a pointed look*
Ray: *smile widening, giving his best innocent look as he sits down again and holds out Alex's plate, waiting for him to sit down beside him* Are you implying something?

Where do you like to sleep?

Ray: My bed... for preference... With Alex, if possible. *taking a forkful of his dessert*
Alex: *eyeing Ray with a fond smile as he lets his own forkful linger on his tongue before swallowing* 's very good, baby...
Halla: Get a room... *rolling her eyes as the two men share a kiss across the table* Honestly... I also, like my bed... whether there's anyone in it, or not. Though it's better with. *her smile quirking a touch, sly*
Ni: *blushing a touch* I... like my bed... *focusing on her cobbler*
Alex: Beds are definitely comfy... I like our bed... *shrugging lightly* I also like Cy's bed... though it's a little crowded at the moment. *smirk pulling* Really... just one less six-foot person would be appreciated.
Ray: *chuckling, hand falling to Alex's leg... he's been told just how many people Alex has been spending his nights with over at the other's place. It's... amusing, really* Less crowded at the hotel, uccelino?
Alex: *nodding, continuing to devour his dessert, with pauses in his speech* True... Cy's bed at the hotel also works. Of course, back home, there are a few comfy beds, too... though less... *squinting a moment as he considers his words* Relaxing... with the people in them, now-a-days... I kinda miss the sleep-piles, though...
Shane: ...Bed's fine, ya...

Are you a morning person?

Alex: Fuck, no.
Ray: *chuckling* Not really... though I do get up before him.
Ni: *giggling* Not a chance... Morning's suck! *more giggles into her peach cobbler*
Halla: *sighing laughter at Ni* Ya... 'spose I am...
Shane: *smile flitting up with Halla's* Ya... me, too. Corny, maybe... but I like watching the sunrise.

What is your favourite piece of literature?

Alex: I... honestly don't read that much.
Ni: I'm not sure yaoi manga counts as literature?
Halla: Dime-store novels all the way... Though I have been known to pick up some of the more better-known pieces. Turn of the Screw or Sherlock Holmes...
Ray: Now that's where it's at... Sherlock. Murder-mysteries, crime noir... Ya...
Shane: I don't think I could pick a favourite piece... I'm always reading something...

How do you feel about this War On Terror we've got going on?

Ni: I think a lot of people are using a lot of other's peoples' fears in order to exert control over them. I think it's disgusting... but I also think there is a genuine rise in crimes of hate and desperation... and something has to be done. But I think we need to attack the cause and not the crime so much...
Halla: ... *nodding, words softer* Indeed...

How much wood would a wood-chuck chuck if a wood-chuck could chuck wood?

Ni: I know! I know!! *giggling as Halla smiles and shakes her head at her, words spilling from her lips fast and furious* A-wood-chuck-would-chuck, as-much-as-a-wood-chuck-could-chuck, if-a-wood-chuck-could-chuck-wood!!
Halla: *more chuckling* You're such a dork, Ni...
Ni: *blushing, but grinning wide, crumpling a napkin and tossing it at Halla, voice teasing* Takes one to know one...

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Ni: *suddenly growing very serious, nodding around the table* Well... that was something I put a lot of thought into when I was younger... and what I came up with... is that I wanted to be a Princess.
Alex: *wiping his mouth with his napkin as he pushes his empty plate away and suddenly bursting out with a light chime of laughter*
Ni: No, really... *still keeping her perfectly calm face, smile slight and bemused* I thought it was a job that had a lot of potential. Being a Princess... The clothes, the castle, the Prince-Charming... I really thought it was the best bet for me. And I was totally pretty enough to be... *nodding again, pausing for the last bite of her dessert* ... I used to practice singing to birds in Summertime. *wiping her lips with another napkin and sitting back* I figured if I could get them to land on my hand, I could totally be as good a Princess as Snow White.
Halla: *struggling out, between fits of laughter* Ab-sol-utely...
Ni: You laugh now... *eyebrows rising, grin widening* But if I had stuck with it, who knows... you might all have been my subjects by now...
Shane: *grinning, too* I just wanted to be able to do whatever I wanted to do... and I'm doing it, so... *shrugging*
Halla: I never really thought about anything more than just getting away when I was younger. That's all I cared about...
Alex: *smile falling a touch, nodding at Halla* When I was little... *thinking some more* Really little... I wanted to be a Map-Maker. *shrugging to looks of raised eyebrows and furrowed brows round the table* What? Back home... there are parts of the land that... change. They have to be re-mapped every few months. Some of them are quite dangerous... We had a Map-Maker stay at the estate once and he told the most fantastic stories... *shrugging again* But then... I've done so many things since then... and wanted to do so many things...
Ray: Well... *tugging Alex back into the circle of his legs as dessert has finished* I've wanted to be a chef since I first learned how to use a spatula.

What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?

Ray: My rolling pin... *chuckling*
Alex: *smile tugging* Didn't really have any toys... just... our imaginations.
Halla: My books? Ya... I didn't have much in the way of actual toys, either.
Ni: Bebe! *grinning, giggling* My doll... when I was a kid.
Shane: I remember... the rattle my Mother gave me. When I got older, she'd pin it to my clothes so I would make noise wherever I went... so she could find me. I still remember the sound... *smiling fondly, relaxing* I like this question...

niamh, stories, meme, halla, ray, shane, alex

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