Jan 26, 2005 20:34
What do you think of my journal!? I absolutly LOVE IT! yay!
Happy 91 Birthday Grandpa....he's an old guy, and he's proabbly healthier than me....lol! It's actually tomorrow but yes! 18 days til i fly up ...I'm sooooo excited! YES...tomorrow is sorins swim meet against canton....this will be...interesting! hehe...and Bens wrestling meet...against canton....wow <3.....to bad so sad! It happens! It's okat I got Tiffi! hehe
Annie~ July is gonna ROCK! I cant wait my mom doesn't care so we are gonna have one hell of a time! I CANT WAIT!
okay I'm like wired so I'm gonna go and....watch....Everybody Loves Raymond from yesterday caouse I missed it! YAY!
Love Catalina Magdelina Hoopensteiner Wallendiner Hogan Logan Bogan bit-o-honey! woo what a name....I have Marty and Vinny for that!