watever happens...Y does it happen...??

Mar 04, 2006 18:48

life is something...
absolutly unpredictable and unplannable upto a long extend...as i have found it to be..
may be it differs head to head...
u all can put ur views on this...
wat i feel is...sometimes u plan for something extraordinary and .....nothing even near to that takes place.
but somtimes suddenly...absolutly unexpected,unpredictable happiness..pleasure coems to u..
y the life is so much unpredictable????
does it happen with me only????
i wanna get to know one fact that...is everything that happens...is to happen?
is watever happening...is it DECIDED BY SOMEONE to happen?
is it in our control or v go on doing the acts as suggested by that SOMEONE?
who can reveal these answers?
Help please...
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