I am the very model of a ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL

Aug 24, 2010 20:34

The Mass Effect BFF Application!
(find out what character in the mass effect universe would best fit in the role of being your BFF.)
Because everyone needs a BFF when saving the universe from the bad guys! Or big ol' creepy machines from the depths of space, yes?
Links to other applications you have voted on :

Who were you stamped as? : Tali’Zorah. ♥ It was actually on my old account (missxcellophane ), but I figure it still counts, right?
Who was stamped as your ME Romance?: Mr. Moreau x3

Your name : Katherine
Nicknames, because BFFs have those you know : Kate, Kat, that sort of thing.
Most embarassing nickname a friend has given you (I Know, it's embarassing and you probably don't want to share, but no one will judge you!) : Eh, none are really coming to mind, either because my friends aren’t big nicknamers or because they know I’d hurt them if they tried. About the closest I’ve got is ‘Grandma’.
Any interesting story behind that nickname? : Years ago we somehow concocted a strange family tree; an eldritch clan of epic dysfunctional proportions. I became the drug-addled matriarch. (We were strange children, I know. What’s sadder is that this still amuses us as college students.)

What makes you a good friend to have?: Sense of humor. My penchant for gallows humor tends to make bad situations not seem quite so bad, and I’ve been known to give good advice. I’m also rather protective: if you hurt my friend, you should probably watch your back. Also, my stuff is your stuff. Clothing, DVDs, food, I really don’t mind and you can usually give it back whenever.  Same goes for my home, actually; it's somewhere you can show up at three a.m. seeking refuge.
What are some of your faults?: I’m a cranky, cranky bitch. I can also be neurotic to the point of barely being functional at times, and I’m very lazy and can forget about things I’m supposed to do.
What qualities do you look for in a friend? : Similar sense of humor, but not without trustworthiness (I’ve had to kick some really funny sociopaths to the curb). Also helpful is a mind as sick and twisted as mine (“So, I was reading this erotic fan fiction about Hogwarts castle and the Giant Squid…” Yes, this exists.)
Things that irk you that people do, even slightly?: Those people who say something insulting and go, “Just kidding!” are pretty high up there. (That’s not kidding. That’s being an ass.) People who are really, really strident about their political views. (Can be either side of the spectrum, because the only thing almost as annoying as loud people you disagree with is someone who has your views and comes off like a total douchebag.)
Favorite places to hang out: At home, at the mall, the movie theatre, er…I don’t go a lot of places, I suppose.
Favorite things to do with your friends: Just sitting around talking is great. Watching awful or outrageous films. Having terrible mishaps in the kitchen (“Hey, you could barely taste the wax on the bottom, dammit!”). Going to see our local Rocky Horror group. Spending a shocking amount of money at the mall (especially if it has an arcade - my cousin and I once blew about twenty bucks on a tagteam shooting game).
Which do you think is better when it comes to friends? Opposites attract or birds of a feather flock together? (Do you like your BFFS totally different than you, or totally the same?) The same, definitely the same. My cousin and I have a bit of an opposites thing and I love her to death, but if we spend more than about a week together I start looking for something to stab her with.
Your friend needs a shoulder to lean on (Just lost their job, dumped by their S.O, lost their dog) how do you comfort them?: First, we do something fun. Probably involving brownies and/or frozen yogurt. They can either vent about it or just try to forget it all (whatever their process is), and I’ll try to advise and/or amuse them.
You and your friend just had a fight, how would you work it out?: Generally just avoid each other for a little while until we both cool down, then pretend it never even happened.
You hear something that you know you should tell your friend but you've been told to keep it a secret because it might really hurt them, do you keep it a secret or do you tell your friend?: Depends on what it is. After all, if it’s something like, “Your boyfriend is cheating on you,” then it’ll hurt them less in the long-run if they’re told. But if it’s something like, “So-and-so said something terrible about you,” then I’d probably try to just suggest that person isn’t such a great friend.
You find yourself in a situation where telling your friend the truth would hurt them, and a white lie would not and avoid conflict. Do you tell them the truth knowing they'll be mad or do you tell them the lie to spare their feelings? Why?: Again, it depends on the circumstances. If it’s something little (“You look awful in those lederhosen, man”), then I’d probably go with something politely non-committal. So, it might change depending on the circumstances, but I’d probably just try to spare their feelings.
Would you like to have your lj username on the banner? Nah.

needs votes!bff, !needs votes

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