The Mass Effect BFF Application!
(find out what character in the mass effect universe would best fit in the role of being your BFF.)
Because everyone needs a BFF when saving the universe from the bad guys! Or big ol' creepy machines from the depths of space, yes?
Links to other applications you have voted on: I only found two for now, right here. Who were you stamped as?: Legion.
Who was stamped as your ME Romance?: Mordin. Which still strikes me as an inexplicably hilarious combination.
Your name: Blue.
Nicknames, because BFFs have those you know: I actually don't have any - my friends really just call me plain-and-simple Blue. Except for one, for whom it's "Bluie."
Most embarassing nickname a friend has given you (I Know, it's embarassing and you probably don't want to share, but no one will judge you!): N/A
Any interesting story behind that nickname?: N/A
What makes you a good friend to have?: I'm extremely no-holds-barred loyal to those who have earned it. I keep secrets, do my best to help, please, and stick up for people I'm close to, like to provide, support, or contribute any way I can, and I'm loathe to be a burden. I've got a non-excessive dry sense of humor, I'm smart and enjoy conversation when it gets rolling, I'm analytical and do my best to provide advice if only useful advice on a physical or purely logical level, and I'm a good, thoughtful listener. And if they need this sort of thing, I see the good in my friends and will be ready to boost their confidence and compliment them. Apparently my hobbies make me interesting - I'm a writer and occasional painter, which I'd guess means someone trying to talk to me would have an idea of something to discuss, and I'm quite passionate about my interests and opinions, if apathetic about most other things. I'm also happy to spend time with people I care about.
What are some of your faults?: I'm not exaclt socially graceful, not particularly trusting or easy to get close to and can't really only be friends halfway with a person - either we join at the hip or I consider them a somewhat pleasant acquaintance. Even around close friends, I'm fairly shy - I'm much more relaxed with friends than most others, obviously, but my interactions with them will still probably have an element of politeness/cautious restraint and I'm a little awkward about showing affection. Then again, I can be a bit possessive both in that I'm reclusive and private and that I'm devoted and sometimes jealous. I try to be accomodating with the people I could be said to be possessive of, so au contraire it seems like I'll let them do whatever they like. Basically, when it comes to people, it's not necessarily seen how I feel, which is another point for here. I also worried about just how supportive I'm actually capable of being. I can be a shoulder to cry on, but get frustrated when I can't actually attack the root of a friend's problems. I'm secretive about all the wrong things so that I worry even my friends don't trust me and will even avoid them if I'm worried about getting in their way. I won't be dishonest, especially about matters that concern them, but it doesn't mean I'll wear my heart on my sleeve, either, unless it seems appropriate, which I'm too awkward to ever decide it does (I'd really like to admit to my IRL best friend that the song the lyrics in the cut text are from makes me think of her). I isolate myself when I'm "busy", working on something, or need to ponder something. Apparently my avoidant tendencies, self-deprecation/perfectionism, and greater willingness to help friends with their problems than so much as bring up mine worries people, which I'm frustrated with myself for, and I can also be a little sensitive or too impassioned, and impulsive if spurred to it or even simply bored, which is another cause for worry. Oh, also, I apparently have morbid sensibilities/sense of humor and see myself as being the kind of person who will put platonic relationships before romantic ones in the future, which is apparently considered an itty bitty bit off. Though I guess it'd count as a positive for this particular app.
That's not even a full list, by the way. I'm sure I left out at least one important point. *headdesk*
What qualities do you look for in a friend?: I admit I don't actively look for friends - as I've said before, I just sort of "find" them, or more accurately they find me. But in the context of the person themself, I like interesting and smart, thoughtful, insightful people, hopefully that I have a few things in common with and who are enjoyable to talk to about anything, serious/philosophical discussion or fun, and I like class/taste with a side of humor. I also appreciate imagination, touch with certain things, and an idealistic/not-strictly physical "artist" mindset. And in context of a friendship, I want loyalty and trustworthiness, understanding, support, non-patronizing realism when things get serious without flat-out harshness and lack of sympathy. I think friends ought to be people one can open up to and do absolutely anything/talk about anything they like with. We should be able to be outright happy around each other, enjoy each others' company.
Things that irk you that people do, even slightly?: I hate people who are ridiculously loud and obnoxious, bullies and those who gang up on others or knowingly do anything dishonorable, and people I can't trust or who would backstab or abandon. But while I like loyalty and supportiveness, it'd feel awkward for someone to seem dependant on or overbearingly overprotective of me. I also don't like people to be too serious or too off-the-walls happy-happy, similar need for middle ground applies to ego. It bothers me when I'm ignored, smothered, pressured, implicitly challenged or criticized, and have any and all points I try to make about anything missed by a mile. I also value realism when it comes to outlook, but it downright pisses me off when people reject any and all sense of sentiment or the personal.
Favorite places to hang out: Coffee shops, empty parks, and comfortable rooms. XP Otherwise, really nowhere specific. It just depends on what we feel like doing.
Favorite things to do with your friends: Chat, watch movies and ruin all the most dramatic moments with wisecracks, hang around... again, anything we want to do.
Which do you think is better when it comes to friends? Opposites attract or birds of a feather flock together? (Do you like your BFFS totally different than you, or totally the same?) Birds of a feather flock together? People who are close ought to have some common ground. There has to be some balancing, though, too.
Your friend needs a shoulder to lean on (Just lost their job, dumped by their S.O, lost their dog) how do you comfort them?: The first thing I'd probably try to do would be find something for us to do to take their mind off it - buy them coffee or something I saw in a shop that reminded me of them, take them to a performance, etc. I wouldn't drill them about it, just wait until they were ready to talk about it, and if possible try to solve their problem, or at least help them come to terms with it.
You and your friend just had a fight, how would you work it out?: I don't fight with my friends. I'd guess I'd wait for one of us to concede in argument or temporarily separate for the two of us to cool off and make it up to each other later.
You hear something that you know you should tell your friend but you've been told to keep it a secret because it might really hurt them, do you keep it a secret or do you tell your friend?: If I know I should tell them, it's not even a question. I will.
You find yourself in a situation where telling your friend the truth would hurt them, and a white lie would not and avoid conflict. Do you tell them the truth knowing they'll be mad or do you tell them the lie to spare their feelings? Why?: If you mean the white lie is something along the lines of "Oh, yeah, of course, you sang that song perfectly" when they didn't, it's not hurting anyone in any way if I tell it, so I will, since neither of us is going to get anything if I insult them just for the sake of telling the truth. If the lie is more like "Your new partner is the nicest, funniest, smartest person I've met all year, of course they're good enough for you" or something that actually has some sort of point to pursuing, I'll at least hint at the truth.
Would you like to have your lj username on the banner? No need.