(find out which mass effect character you most resemble personality wise.)
Would you like to be stamped as a man, woman, or either?
Either is good for me.
Links to other applications you've voted on:
One Two Name: Arielle
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Pick three words to describe yourself: Shy, introverted, cautious.
What do you often think about? The future and what life will be like five hundred years from now, the past and what I could have done better, and assignments that I've just handed in.
What are some of your favorite songs? My favourite constantly changes. Right now I'm really into The Fountain by Pendulum and The World Is Not Enough by Garbage.
Hobbies: Writing stories, playing and composing music, video games. I want to crochet, but I'm not really bothered to learn when I have other things to do.
Positive traits: Kind, patient, always there when needed, learn quickly, honest.
Negative traits: Lazy, sometimes overly cautious, worry about everything, too shy.
Likes: Friends, family, food, animals, games and space porn.
Dislikes: Spiders, mirrors in dark rooms, bad parents/parenting.
Favorite animal: Camel
What type of people are you generally attracted to? Intelligent men and women with a sense of humour who are kind, leanly muscled and have good dress sense.
Whats your ultimate goal? To have a happy family with many camels and an android of my own creation.
Whats your biggest fear? Love, especially the kind that's strong enough to form a family.
Are you a risk taker? Depends on the situation, but most of the time I'm not.
How do you take losing? I do my best not to show anything but good sportsmanship, while inside I'm seething and my pride is quite butt sore.
Do you have any role model(s)? If so who? & why? My wonderful mother. She's kind and strong and everything I want to be.
Favorite quote(s) (doesn't have to be from ME): "Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself."
Are you usually optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic
Do usually think about the result of a long run or a short run? Long run
Loner or teammate? Loner
Playful or serious? Playful
Logic or intuition? Intuition
Feared or loved? Loved
Listen or speak? Listen
Forgiving or vengeful? Usually too forgiving, but sometimes a bit vengeful.
Describe your...
Aggression (submissive,competitive, ect.): I'm pretty submissive, unless I absolutely need to be aggressive.
Dependability: I may not always get things done on time, but if you need me, I'm there.
Sociability (talkative, shy, talk when you need to, ect.): I'm shy and only talk when I really need to until I feel I know whoever I'm talking to a bit better.
Maturity: Pretty mature. I'm only immature with my friends.
Physical appearance (you can put a picture but its optional):
I have much shorter hair now. What color armor does your Shepard typically/would wear? Black with grey accents. She does occasionally switch it up with red accents.
What weapon do you use the most? Sniper rifle.
Increased weapon damage or health? Damage!
Weapons, biotic, or tech? Biotics.
Paragon or renegade? Renegade with a healthy side of Paragon.
Follower or leader? Shepard is a leader. I am a follower.
Soldier,Mercenary, or freelancer? Mercenary.
How do you feel about the council? I love the turian councilor. The others are all sort of meh.
How do you feel about Cerberus? I don't like or trust them, but they were the only ones who believed Shepard, even if they do think humans come first, so I'm okay with them.
If you could be any race in the Mass effect universe what would it be? Why? Hanar, for the simple joy of bioluminescence as a means of communication.
If you could live anywhere in the ME universe where would you live? The Citadel or Bekenstein.
Who's your favorite ME character? Why? Garrus. I loved him from the second I saw him and loved him even more when I heard his voice. I love his scar too. :D
Who's your most hated Me character? Why? Kaidan. I didn't find him interesting at all.
Anything else you would like to add? I feel like I've been stuck on Alchera for a day.
Would you like your name to be put on the banner? Yes please.