I am the very model of a big, stupid jellyfish.

May 18, 2010 09:15

(find out which mass effect character you most resemble personality wise.)

Would you like to be stamped as a man, woman, or either?
I prefer being female, but I'm okay with either.

Links to other applications you've voted on:

Name: Kat
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Pick three words to describe yourself: Er...smart, funny, stubborn.

What do you often think about? Whatever geeky thing currently has me obsessed.  Right now it's mostly Dragon Age.  KOTOR has a reserved spot in my brainspace too (I have a damned, damned weakness for scoundrels, I think).
What are some of your favorite songs? It's hard to say, since there's so many, but right now I'm addicted to Florence + the Machine.  I can't get enough of her ("Dog Days Are Over," "Kiss With a Fist," "Howl," "Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)"...).  Old favorites include "Revolution" by the Beatles, and anything from Rocky Horror or the Buffy musical episode.
Hobbies: Reading awful fan fiction.  Writing awful fan fiction.  Oh, and shooting things, both in video games and in real life with arrows or bb guns--good practice for the zombie apocalypse, you know.  I don't think I'm very good, but my dad says I'm a better shot than he is, so I'd guess that evens out to "fairly okay at it."
Positive traits: Pretty smart, or so I've been told.  Funny, too.  I don't tend to get wound up by little things, either--I have a hard time imagining myself getting cranky at customer service or anything like that, and I usually shrug off accidents.  I also tend to stick to my guns, not backing down.
Negative traits: I am very, very, very lazy, so that intelligence largely goes to waste--hence doing this instead of what I'm supposed to be.  I'm frequently only funny if you have an odd sense of humor or are privy to inside jokes or obscure references.  And the only saving grace for my temper is that it's not frequently roused, because when it is...well, it's ugly.  Also, when I say "stick to my guns," I mean "sink my teeth into something like a rabid schnauzer from the depths of hell."
Likes: comedy, RPGs, comics, Joss Whedon, Neil Gaiman, Holly Black, Star Wars, art, writing, politics, coffee drinks so loaded up on sugar they hardly qualify as coffee anymore
Dislikes: math, exercise, discrimination (sexism, racism, homophobia, etc), trashy reality TV (unless it's on The Soup or involves RuPaul), people who still don't realize video games and comic books are capable of having deep and engaging writing
Favorite animal: Not that this answer hasn't been given dozens of times, but cats, with honorable mentions to wolves, ravens, and dolphins.
What type of people are you generally attracted to? It's so cliche, but funny guys.  I've ended up liking guys I wasn't immediately attracted to because they impressed me with their wit.  Gotta have 'em.  Unfortunately, as soon as I start liking them, all my funny goes away, because crushes turn me into an even bigger dork than usual.
Unless we're talking physically.  In which case, I go for the ass, flanging, quads, and tentacles.
Whats your ultimate goal? To become a successful writer.  Or president.  (Hey, you said 'ultimate,' not 'realistic')
Whats your biggest fear? That I'm going to just utterly fail at just being a person.
Are you a risk taker? Eh, not really.  I'll take a risk, but after I've exhausted my other options and plans, and only if I think it's worth the risk.  I'm not a gambler--I don't even enjoy the casinos in Pokemon games, for crying out loud.
How do you take losing? Depends on how much I wanted to win and whether or not I have a chance to compose myself.  I guess generally I get a lot quieter and stony-faced than normal, but go through the motions of congratulating or at least being civil to the winner(s).  I take it much better, of course, if I like the winner(s) or think they deserved it.
Do you have any role model(s)? If so who? & why? Some of my favorite writers, career-wise at least.  I'm not a Christian, but Jesus comes to mind--you know, forgive and love and all that.  Mother Theresa  types.  On a more personal level, there's my father and a couple of my friends that in ways symbolize the sort of person I'd like to be.
Favorite quote(s) (doesn't have to be from ME):

"My life is a parody of a tragedy."

"You're slow," said Loki, "but you get there in the end."  And his lips twisted into a scarred smile and embers danced in the shadows of his eyes.

"I, on the other hand, am a fully rounded human being with a degree from the university of life, a diploma from the school of hard knocks, and three gold stars from the kindergarten of getting the shit kicked out of me."

Are you usually optimistic or pessimistic? Depends on the day, but probably more often pessimistic.
Do usually think about the result of a long run or a short run? Uh...probably short, unfortunately.
Loner or teammate? Loner.
Playful or serious? More frequently playful.
Logic or intuition? Logic.
Feared or loved? Loved.
Listen or speak? Speak.
Forgiving or vengeful? I want to say forgiving...but vengeful.

Describe your...

Aggression (submissive,competitive, ect.): I probably come off less aggressive than I am because I can be very apathetic.  I'm very stubborn, however, and when I'm angry...I want to call it cold rage, but that implies more control than I have.
Dependability: You can't depend on me to get that project done on time.  You can depend on me to take you in 4 a.m., ready to solve whatever ghastly problem led to you my door.
Sociability (talkative, shy, talk when you need to, ect.): I pretty much wallflower it up if I don't know the people around me well; for good reason, as I always seem to say the stupidest and weirdest things to people I've just met.
Maturity: High-ish?  I act mature, but inside I'm a freaked out Peter Pan.
Physical appearance (you can put a picture but its optional):

Ehh, I think I'll let you go without being mentally scarred by my gruesome visage, thanks.

What color armor does your Shepard typically/would wear? My Shep wears quite lovely, stripey white-and-blue armor, even down to the visor.
What weapon do you use the most?  It used to be the assault rifle--I love my M-15 Vindicator--but I have to admit, ever since I got the Kasumi DLC I've been mighty happy with my M-12 Locust submachine gun.
Increased weapon damage or health? Health.  I inevitably find myself taking a beating, which is why I love health boosts and Tech Armor.
Weapons, biotic, or tech?  All three: my Shep is a Sentinel with an affinity for assault rifles.  Forced to choose, however...well, I'd really hate to part with Warp.  And Throw is invaluable against all those damn zombies.
Paragon or renegade? Paragon, though if I see a Renegade interrupt, I'm likely to take it.  Got to love shutting people up by shooting them or causing explosions, right?  Or headbutting a krogan--all the Renegade points in the world are worth that.
Follower or leader? My Shepard's a leader.  Me...it depends on whether I think someone else can handle leading.
Soldier,Mercenary, or freelancer? Shepard = Soldier.  As the kid of a soldier, I can tell you I'm not nearly obedient enough - drill sergeant's bloody nightmare.  Definitely freelancer.
How do you feel about the council? The only thing that keeps me from trying to punch them al-Jilani style is thinking of Mock Effect dubbing them "Larry, Curly, and Moe" and giggling to myself.
How do you feel about Cerberus? Hate 'em more than the Council.  It doesn't help, of course, that I play a Survivor Shepard (so all my trauma is their fault), but after killing Kahoku, and all those awful and stupid experiments and their anti-alien views...  Yeah, I like individual Cerberus personnel, but my normally overly polite Shepard was very cranky with the Illusive Man.
If you could be any race in the Mass effect universe what would it be? Why? Hmm.  I'd be happy staying human, but being an asari would be cool.  Biotic powers, extended life-span, hyper-attractive, able to have kids no matter who you fall for...and blue is a very pretty color.
If you could live anywhere in the ME universe where would you live?  Probably the Citadel--an exciting urban feel without quite the edge of Illium or Omega.

Who's your favorite ME character? Why?  It's hard to choose...but Garrus takes such a wild leap of awesome in ME2, with an extra helping of snark on top, that I think I have to go with him.  Anderson is also a favorite.  Honorable mention, minor NPC-wise, to Kelly, Matriarch Aethyta, Kal'Reeger, and Ken Donnelly.
Who's your most hated Me character? Why? The turian counselor, Udina, Khalisah, Anoleis, Alestia, Uvenk...and that unnamed krogan on Tuchanka who, whenever you pass, always says something stupid like, "One wrong move, Shepard!" like Wrex wouldn't have a laugh watching me biotically scalp the guy.  Hmph.  Yeah, I think that guy annoys me most because it happens so often and I can't kill or tell him off like everyone else on the list.

Anything else you would like to add?  Why they totally should have had longer sex scenes in ME2.   Also, sorry if coding gets messed up--LJ hates me.
Would you like your name to be put on the banner? Nah.  I'm good.

stamped:tali, stamped!persona

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