I am the very model of beauty and extremity of aestheticism.

Mar 17, 2010 18:46

I voted on these lovely apps:

Would you like to be stamped as a man, woman, or either? I dgaf.

Name: Kelly (NOT CHAMBERS)
Age: 19
Gender: Female

Pick three words to describe yourself: loyal, snarky, intelligent

What do you often think about? I tend to think about a lot of things. I am a very calculating person. 
What are some of your favorite songs? I don't really have favorite SONGS. But I listen to a lot of metal and techno. A guess some songs I like a lot at this moment are anything by Versailles and Epica are my latest jam music. High energy and bad ass guitar solos are my blood and bones!

Hobbies: Videogames, Cosplay (WEEBOOZ SUP?), reading, animoo and manga
Positive traits: Quick-witted, loyal, intelligent, calculating, resourceful, pragmatic, humorous, adaptability, and charismatic.
Negative traits: Snarky, short-tempered, sarcastic, caustic, vengeful, lackadaisical, foul mouthed
Likes: loyalty, laid-back people, apple-flavored anythings, the color green, food, animals, perverted jokes, and passionate people
Dislikes: Unfounded arrogance, emo and scene kids, the color pink, cry babies, picky-eaters, people with no sense of humor, bigots, drama queens, shallowness, and indecisiveness
Favorite animal: I like too many animals. I am definitely an animal person. I like tigers, bears, and dogs a lot.
What type of people are you generally attracted to? I find myself attracted to guys. I don't really get along well with women. They usually tend to be a bit older than me and that have hobbies and interests similar to me.
Whats your ultimate goal? To be the best I can be while proving myself useful to my parents and society.
Whats your biggest fear? To fail and to lose control of myself
Are you a risk taker? Not usually, I definitely take comfort in everyday routines.
How do you take losing? I hate losing. Sometimes to the point where I get violent or cold and demeaning. I am a sore loser.
Do you have any role model(s)? If so who and why? I don't have a role model. I believe that you can admire some characteristics of some people but having someone you strictly and completely look up to often overshadows one's need to find their TRUE selves.

Favorite quote(s) (doesn't have to be from ME):
"Fuck this noise!"
"When life gives you lemons, just say 'Fuck the lemons,' and bail."
...And every kind of emoticon except gay aim smileys. :3

Are you usually optimistic or pessimistic? Pessimist. Expect the worst, hope for the best, that way you're always pleasantly surprised rather than being let down.
Do usually think about the result of a long run or a short run? Long run
Loner or teammate? I can see the uses of a teammate, but I prefer to work solo.
Playful or serious? I mostly am serious with people I don't know well, but with my friends or boyfriend I tend to be playful and make a lot of jokes. I like being charismatic in situations whether it calls for seriousness or playfulness--I adapt.
Logic or intuition? Logic. I am logical to the bone.
Feared or loved? Loved, its easier to get those to fear you than to love you.
Listen or speak? Depends on what the situation calls for. I am adaptable.
Forgiving or vengeful? Vengeful, I, more often than not, will make people cry for upsetting me. It's not a great trait, but it's my cross to bear.

Describe your...

Aggression (submissive,competitive, ect.): I am aggressive. I usually will take what I want in most situations if its within reason.
Dependability: I am completely dependable. If I promise you something, I will do it.
Sociability (talkative, shy, talk when you need to, ect.): I am charismatic. I talk when I need to make a point and when it serves me and others best. I am kinda reserved around new people I know absolutely nothing about.
Maturity: I am pretty childish at times like when it comes to my sense of humor. I find the basest of things hilarious (poop and fart included). But I am very serious when I need to be and have many older friends including some 30 year olds who state I am "mature for my age:.
Physical Appearance:

Ya... I cosplay :T

What color armor does your Shepard typically/would wear? Black and Red because it is METAL. Or dark blue.
What weapon do you use the most? Sniper Rifle because I be SCOPIN' AND DROPPIN' and I've always been a precision player.
Increased weapon damage or health? Weapon. If you kill them fast enough, you don't need the health.
Weapons, biotic, or tech? Tech and Weapons. Infiltratorrrrrrrrrrrr (fuck ya).
Paragon or renegade? Renegade of FUNK. Because wailing on reporter's faces and killing entire alien races is the kinda of shit I like to partake in.
Follower or leader? Leader
Soldier, Mercenary, or freelancer? Merc. (WHERE DA GOLD AT?)
How do you feel about the council? You do the talking, I take down the badies. Stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours. Just know that when it comes to something I feel passionate about: I'm the one with the gun.
How do you feel about Cerberus? They're pretty fucked up. Psuedo-Nazi kinda shit with being pro-human crazy. I am against them because I love my alien pals (and love interests)! You don't play Mass Effect to sex a human, you do it to fuck aliens...
If you could be any race in the Mass effect universe what would it be? Turians because they are harbingers of BAD ASS.
If you could live anywhere in the ME universe where would you live? Eden Prime. It was lovely before it was GETH FUCKED.
Who's your favorite ME character? Motherfuckin', Collar poppin', Garrus! (#2 is Thane) (#3 Liara for dat blue assssssss P:)
Who's your most hated Me character? Why? Ashley. She's a dirty bigot and she pisses me off.

Anything else you would like to add? Pew Pew! The sound of snippy snipe rifle as it blows away your dome piece :D
Would you like your name to be put on the banner? That would be FANCY FEAST.

stamped:jack, stamped!persona

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