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Name: Helen
Age: 24
Gender: FemShep :)
Pick three words to describe yourself: Practical, cynical, pragmatic.
What do you often think about? Day-dreaming most of the free time: new concept for ME, BG, new storylines… And about up-coming events like road trips or concerts.
What are some of your favourite songs? Either strong emotional instrumental work with lots of violins, blues or some easy-going funk and folk-rock (sorry, I’m just not sure that actual names of the songs will be recognisable).
Hobbies: Cooking, cross-stitching, PC-gaming, DDR, travelling, climbing things.
Positive traits: As I have said - practical, pragmatic, helpful, somewhat loyal, caring, in love with logic and discussions.
Negative traits: Cynical, allow myself to be cruel and bitter when I want to, lazy, sometimes can’t control my anger.
Likes: doing whatever is in “hobbies”, sleeping, coffee&cigarettes , chinese food; I am deeply found of interesting talkative people, who like and debate on different articles, which make me and them think, re-think, make conclusions, find the truth.
Dislikes: Talkative people that chat without a point and ideas whatsoever; things/people which/who changes the rules in process; when something goes without benefits.
Favourite animal: bats.
What type of people are you generally attracted to? We must simply understand (the specifics of humour or opinions, etc) and be comfortable around each other; when I first meet someone, though, I tend to choose sarcastic bastards (as I have said - it’s a bliss when one can use words in different ways)
What’s your ultimate goal? Simply to be happy. To feel good. :) For now, at least.
What’s your biggest fear? People I care about to experience some kind of violence.
Are you a risk taker? Yes please! (but not if it can effect my home or people I care about, of course)
How do you take losing? Very-very painful. Could take several weeks, actually. And if that’s a person - several years.
Do you have any role model(s)? If so who? Why? Peter the Great. He was a strong confident man with high goals which he had the balls to archive. Despite everything else. He lost people, but he gained much more and never looked back. AND he was a funny-funny guy (*sarcasm*) who loved vodka and babes. I would so do him…
Favorite quote(s) (doesn't have to be from ME): "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean; neither more, nor less"-Humpty Dumpty (Lewis Carroll)
“Заткни свое хайло, ты большая жирная свинья, пока я не дал тебе по морде! Все одно, вы, гнусные жирные буржуи, долбаете нас, бедных рабочих, угнетая до самой смерти, а сами забираете всю прибыль и ездите прохлаждаться по всяким Франциям!” -Замухрышка (John Lennon; sorry, I read his book only in Russian)
“No one cares, actually” - just a saying; kinda depressing, but it gives strength and pulls me together.
Are you usually optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic, I think (realistic would do better, though).
Do usually think about the result of a long run or a short run? First - about all the short run results, then I sum them and calculate the long run. And if there’s a need for better end, I sacrifice something little to gain something big.
Loner or teammate? A very hard question. I tend to be a loner because I have nothing to talk about in a team of people I don’t like very much or I have nothing in common with. Like at work. But I desperately try not to be alone and with good friends.
Playful or serious? That’s - too - depends on the sort of activity. And my status. And people that surrounds me. And amount of alcohol. Well… usually serious, I guess…
Logic or intuition? Logic. Always logic.
Feared or loved? Lol, I don’t recall to be feared by anyone, people usually just don’t like me or stay neutral if they choose not to be friends or “love”. So that’s not really a choice.
Listen or speak? Listen mostly. But I may speak too. Try me! I dare ya! :)
Forgiving or vengeful? Forgiving. But that doesn’t mean that I forget.
Describe your...
Aggression (submissive,competitive, ect.): Uhm… It’s aggravating, dominant, loud and very much irritating.
Dependability: Depends on a person and my capabilities. If he’s a close one and I can manage what he needs me to do - it’s done despite what time it is.
Sociability (talkative, shy, talk when you need to, ect.): I tend to keep quiet in a company of strangers, but smile and show that I don’t mind to make an acquaintance.
Maturity: I play video games. Come on…
Physical appearance (you can put a picture but its optional):
Oh noes... What color armor does your Shepard typically/would wear? 1st tint was purple and 2nd was blue, but the pattern was classy military so somehow it all became light-blue and quite charming!
What weapon do you use the most? Sniper rifles; shotguns after Charge.
Increased weapon damage or health? Weapon damage!!
Weapons, biotic, or tech? For me - vanguard. But I fap on tech-experts.
Paragon or renegade? Neither, actually. I don’t get that system. If I want to kill Zaeed’s enemy (what was his name?) because I want to make this world better without the Blue Suns, why the hell do they give me +15 to renegade?! Yeah, ok, several people died in there, it was my choice not to help, I will live with that, but I will also know that one of the founders of Suns is departed and there will be much less deaths with him gone!.. A long-run girl, definitely.
Follower or leader? Second in command. I don’t have enough balls to make all the important decisions, but I’m capable and wiling to control and moderate the process and people in charge of them.
Soldier, Mercenary, or freelancer? Soldier.
How do you feel about the council? I will kill them next time. Just give me a chance. Except for Anderson, of course.
How do you feel about Cerberus? They have their truth. I’d co-operate with them, but still destroy the base with it’s secrets. I just don’t believe it’ll make much good in any hands.
If you could be any race in the Mass effect universe what would it be? Why? Human. I’m used to it :) It’s much more fun to explore other races while knowing your own.
If you could live anywhere in the ME universe where would you live? Anywhere Jeff desires. <3 Personally, I’d prefer some colony.
Who's your favorite ME character? Why? Jeff. I love him. Srsly. I have like a huge badass hardcocking firmnipplening wet crush on a digital character. Damn you, BioWare...
His capability, will, dedication, care, voice, jokes, looks. In that precise order. *of to the bathroom*
And Legion. I especially adore his crest and the fact that he owns Widow-lady.
Who's your most hated Me character? Why? Miranda. Who is she? What is she capable of? She’s an experiment, she has only her will (which I think, if not for her implant powers, wouldn’t be so strong). She’s a lame excuse of Ash. Somebody counted how many times she says that she “rescued” Oriana? It’s like she doesn’t even believe in that herself and constantly trying to convince her and everyone around. And that other dude, Jacob? Same goes for him. I don’t get the two of them. I wish I just could drop them at the Citadel’s Sweet and go rescue the galaxy.
Also, I’m very irritated by volus race.
Anything else you would like to add? Damn you, BioWare! Make Jeff a romance option in ME3!
Would you like your name to be put on the banner? LJ-name, sure.