beep beep

Jun 02, 2006 16:02

well lifes been very eventful.
so eventful that i have had little to no time to get online.
so my apologies to those who find my entries amusing,
or insightfulk etc.
luckily i have quite a few pictures from some on the fun nights had.
but im not at a computer that i can load those photos up at the moment.
so hopefully the next time i get on.
in a nut shell ive just been working a lot,
spending time with my amazing(toi say the very least)girlfriend angie,
and going to parties and bars.
drinking with my friends and meeting new ones.
went to california for my great grandmas surprise birthday party.
met some more of my family.
and i feel the need to say again how(fucking)well my family ages.
not an ugly person in my family(excluding myself, haha).
my great grandma does not by any means look 80.
and she tells the greatest drinking stories ive ever heard, haha.
good to know my love for "the sauce" is in my genes.
i love my family.
15 years is never too late, never too late.
other than that i got nothing, i guess.
ill do my best to post more often again.
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