Nov 28, 2003 23:24
tonight i cleaned out our spare room, well actually my spare room considering it is filled with my stuff. i wanted to clean out memory boxes, and throw away the stuff in which i didnt understand the joke anymore...i found odds and ends. and old note from john hutt, a fire up from katie about south park, me and sarah zara's "notebooks"...and at the bottom was a giant scrapbook. the same scrapbook i thought i threw away two christmas's ago.
i opened it up. a dashboard song on the first page. page 2 - freshman year...our 9th grade school pictures...
i remember when i met you. your sister snuck you and john elkhoury in to the foley senior goodbye dance. at the time i thought john was the be all and end all of boys. then i saw you. wearing some lame hat and full of braces but something felt wierd. i had to know you. stephanie wiegand made us dance together. i hunted down every st. anne person after that just looking for your email address. i hit send and turned to ang and squealed, "oh my god! why did i just do that?" (its funny how now i think the same thing) i had no idea what was in store for me.
i remember only talking on the phone until 10 because my dad would get pissed. i remember when i kissed joe check and you wouldnt talk to me for 2 weeks. i remember wearing your necklace at st. anne fair, 1 year later you gave me it, 1 year after that i broke it and the next year i threw it away. i remember you wanting to mess around at "movie on the hill" but my dad was picking me up so i couldnt. i remember you playing tyrese back when you had the dinosaur sheets. i remember when you used to email me beatles songs and austin powers quotes. i remember you trying to have sex with me every other day for almost 3 years and when i finally said yes you got too scared. i remember when you didnt get your license and lied to everyone about it. i remember when you cried when anne notte died. i remember you driving down jefferson to see the fireworks. i remember timing my days in the summer: 11am-you called me 1pm-hung out at my house 6pm-go home 8pm-come back 1am-go home 1:30am-you called me 6am-go to bed...we never skipped a beat. i remember putting your clothes back on in the middle of your homecoming because you, bob and brett kept taking them off and mr. kaier was giving you wierd looks. i remember how cold i was and how you couldn't find enough blankets for me. i remember when you called me and i knew this time it was real. i remember having a secret friendship. i remember that neither of us stopped loving each other until february of this year. i remember you being there for me every step of the way, and i for you. i remember when you called me to tell me you're in love with someone else, to tell me you have a tattoo and your hair is long. i remember calling you and she answered. i remember hanging up the phone and knowing that was the end. i remember crying because i had just lost my best friend.
you were there for me every day for almost 6 years. and its gone.
this is the last time i will speak of you. this is the last time you will cross my mind.
i knew this would come and i used to cry to you, "but no! we'll be friends forever right?" "right, i promise." you would always say.
i thank you for shaping me in to who i am today. (well, and i hate you for it sometimes too) i thank you for being my best friend more than you were my boyfriend.
but i have a new best friend now. and the best part is he's my boyfriend too. and he makes me happier than you ever did and you ever could.
i closed the scrapbook. garbage day is monday.