May 08, 2007 10:18
No percentages because the total is close enough to 100k (w-why) that they're pretty basic. Buffy remains about 75% of my comments, GJ me.
But I'm actually really happy with my balance right now! I mean, once I start playing seriously again. But look! All my current characters are over 1k! I love them all! Go me!
Buffy: 74,369
Chase: 5,822
Hiro: 2,572
Peter: 1,666
Anya: 2,481 (770 new)
Total (current characters): 86,910
Anne: 8,473
C-3P0: 818
Hawkeye: 876
George Michael: 1,040
Total (dropped characters): 11,207
Total (total): 98,117
Days in CFUD: 660
Comments/day: 149
Buffy comments/day: 113