Okay. I've never played a character like Peter before, and I wanted to sort out a quick guide about his secret identity stuff and how your character might know Peter was Spider-Man.
I think I mentioned this briefly in the other post, but Shin might figure something out. He doesn't ... really see the clothes on the person as much as he sees the person themselves (muscles really) and thus doesn't make much of a distinction those kinds of identities. He figured out Eyeshield 21 instantly in his own canon and I've been having him generally know that Superhero X = Civilian Y if he's seen them in both forms.
That said, he's not going to CARE much about it. He'll be noncommittal and honest at worst and actively willing to (and capable of) keeping the secret safe at best. He had to keep Eyeshield's identity secret for a while in camp and he's been warned off randomly greeting the other superheroes by the wrong name. (He's also starting to make the connection that superhero secret identities = football secret identities in terms of importance. Due to... his conversation with Hiro, actually!)
If any of that isn't okay with you, I am totally good with letting him get confounded by comic book logic. It's just my preference to keep him going in the same line he'd been managing before (mostly 'cause it's easier to remember like that).
Yup, that's totally cool! If it somehow came up that someone was asking him about Spider-Man's secret identity, I'd prefer he didn't tell, but I assume he wouldn't and I doubt it would even come up. So that works for me.
That said, he's not going to CARE much about it. He'll be noncommittal and honest at worst and actively willing to (and capable of) keeping the secret safe at best. He had to keep Eyeshield's identity secret for a while in camp and he's been warned off randomly greeting the other superheroes by the wrong name. (He's also starting to make the connection that superhero secret identities = football secret identities in terms of importance. Due to... his conversation with Hiro, actually!)
If any of that isn't okay with you, I am totally good with letting him get confounded by comic book logic. It's just my preference to keep him going in the same line he'd been managing before (mostly 'cause it's easier to remember like that).
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