This is what my relationship meant: Blog written by the ex...niiiiice.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A Year In Memoriam
Life So I've got to admit that New Years is a notably depressing time for me. It's a time that forces you to reflect on the choices you've made during an entire year, and you realize that a lot of them were straight up retarded. This year was full of a lot turbulent relationships and living situtations for me. Did I handle most of them well? Admittedly, probably not dudes and dudettes. See, like I said depressing. I promise this will be the one and only blog I write that doesn't have some uplifting message in the end... or who knows? Maybe even this one will. Read on, there are lessons to be learned.
So I remember I actually spent New Years in a shitty apartment with five things: a girl, Chili's take-out, a televsion, Jack Daniels, and a pit bull that I still believe to this day should be put down. And if you know me, I'm absolutely a dog/animal person. But this animal... Jesus. I basically sat in this apartment drinking and watching tv all night. I don't think I even got laid. It was a shitty situtation because this girl (who, again, shall remain nameless) was fighting, and winning a campaign to isolate me from my friends. We couldn't go and hang out because she hated all my friends. What's the song where the lyrics are, "If you want to get with a girl, you got to get with her friends"? Well people, that's absolutely true. If you can't get along with your significant other's friends so everyone can go out and have a good time, your relationship is fucked. I'm pretty sure we broke up again, soon after that, only to reunite again on Valentine's Day. At least I got laid somewhere in the hiatus...
Nobody wants to be alone on a Valentine's Day, says Chester. He's right. That was actually a good night because we got to go to my buddy Schaich's fancy pants restaurant. And when I say fancy pants, maybe I should say mexicans in fancy pants. They served these tiny whoop ass meals in five courses. In between courses, these mexican dudes come to your table and wipe off all the crumbs with these tiny little scrapers. Fancy! Some suggestions for super fancy places: don't ask for anything other than a normal water. They'll bring out a huge bottle of some fizzy crap that doesn't taste good and charge you like $15 for it. Jesus. Also, tartar means raw people. That's cool with me, I like me some good sushi, but just so you know in case you had no idea what that meant. The food was delicious and we even looked super cool in front of everyone else because all the kick ass chefs kept mozying over to our table to inquire about the quality of the food. Duh, it was Schaich and Co. I don't remember much about the rest of that night, except I probably got some hot sex for dropping an entire paycheck on dinner and jewelry. Was it worth it? Nope, I'd rather have my money back.
The only other notable thing about February for me was that my old band sirens(@)sunrise got to play the Double Door in Chicago for the first time. I'd played there before with shittier bands, but there's nothing like throwing it down with your homies at the best sounding venue in the city. Unfortunately, after that show I got fed up and handed over booking duties to our singer. We didn't play another show for 8 more months. Nice.
March was a bit of a groundbreaker for me. Schaich and I finally get so fed up with living with our parents that we actually moved out. The house was very nice, but the rent was way too expensive. We also had to get a third roommate (who shall remain nameless), who's personal living habits we did not know. Bad idea. When you live at your parents, it's a paradox. You want to move out because you're sick of them bitching at you to clean up around the house. Then you move out, and want to move back home to be somewhere clean again. More advice people: don't move in with your friends. It ends up making you not friends. People just get frustrated, aggravated, and retarded. You do things you normally wouldn't do to a friend when you're feeling desperate. I'd glad to say Schaich and I are now friends, because there was definitely a rough patch in there for a few months. I got out of there as fast as I could, losing as little money as I could. Jesus, that was a nightmare.
At that point my girlfriend and I had both run into bad living situations, so we bit the bullet and moved in together. I know I wasn't really sure if I wanted to live with her, but I didn't want to have to go back home either. At least she tried to keep the place clean, I know I did a lot. For some reason she had a phobia of cleaning cups. Weird huh? This is the place where I basically lived in isolation for the rest of the year. Because of the social embargo placed upon me, Schaich probably came over a whopping two times after we started being civil again. The boys in the band came over to record and such because I would put my foot down. Other than that, DVD's and cable were my only friends.
Unfortunately, that pretty much sums it up. One side affect of this isolation? Drug and alcohol use. Not hard drugs people, I'm talking about the herb. I used to smoke a lot of dope in high school, but it's kind of petered out over my later years. It no longer holds the mystique for me it once had. It's just something to do when there's nothing else to do... so, you get the picture? My 'roommate' always had the bong sitting out and smoked it morning, noon and night. Her coughing was relentless, aggravating, and mind numbing. It's the kind of bullshit that wakes you up from across the apartment, so fuckin' loud. I also started drinking more and more. I didn't really care because what the fuck else was I going to do? It started to wear on me though. My liver is definitely mad at me, and I became a very angry person, capable of snapping off on a whim. It's the devil water, it'll gitcha ev'ry tiiiime! So yeah, I regret that.
Because of a particularly interesting alcohol induced situation, most of which had to be relayed back to me by Schaich, I finally got my ticket back to life. I don't know why I just didn't leave on my own, I was very unhappy. But oh well, that's how life plays out sometimes; as a matter of fact it usually plays out in the worst way. It's the rule of the universe.
if you got this far, congrats. You now think i'm a cunt bitch...however, I think from reading my past blogs, the decision I made to leave was worth it, eh?
It's funny, cause he'll call wasted at 3 a.m. telling me what a bitch I am, but would you really be calling me at 3 a.m. if you had someone better to think about? Not so much.
He came over the other day to drop off the key and the new boy toy was sitting on the couch, I was gone for a sec. He just walked in and took the microwave and left...then blogged about it so all of our mutual friends could read it all....
....this is the basic jist of the rant that was wayyy too long to begin with.
Allright, so here's the end, the good part. I decided after all the retardedness, after my dumb phone call, and repeated requests to return my key (to the ex's apartment) that I should actually return it. I hopped in the good ol' Honda and cruised back there, the ol' familiar way. Her car wasn't there. I figured I was in luck, I could just let myself in, pick up the microwave I left, leave the key, and be done. And you know what? That's pretty much what happened.... except for this: the new guy was there. I let myself in, and quickly walked into the kitchen, expecting no one to be there. As I crossed the threshold, there was a fine looking gentleman lounging on the couch I'd spent so much time on. There was no new car that I could see outside, so this guy must not have one. Who knows? I don't give a crap. Now this is funny: I've broken up with this girl at least two times before this, and she is the master at finding another dude in record time. And they're always more attractive than I am. And that's fine with me... I know I'm not much of a looker. But every fuckin' time I see these dudes, and I don't want to sound gay, but they're always studs. (bold cause it's my favorite part :) )It was always fun when we got back together to know that I had 1UP'd a dude that was masssively more attractive than I. But, it never feels good to see the guy after the break up. Back to the point... So I walked in, saw the dude, took one millisecond look, and continued on the way to my microwave. This guy didn't move a muscle. Funny, because I was hoping he might get up and try to catch one of my patented head butts. Oh well. I approached the microwave, pulled the plug, and lifted. I walked towards the door. I took one last look at him, shifted the weight of the oven to my left, and showed him the key that I quickly placed on the counter. "Cool" he said, and that was it. Pretty boring right? He looked like he was 16 years old. It was lame. I didn't expect anyone to be there, and I was a bit surprised, as I'm sure he was. I have no animosity though. He doesn't know me, and I don't know him. I already saw his face, and I was hoping to never know a name to put to it, but the ex solved that. I called her as I was driving home, but she didn't answer (no surprise, after this morning...) and explained that I had returned the key and collected my last piece of property. She called back a few minutes later, but I was in no mood to talk. She called again and left a message. She apologized that I had to meet "....." and there it was, a name for a face. Weak. I'm a very visually brained guy, and that knowledge is like razor blades for me. Oh well. The good in the end? The fact that it's the end. Done. Done donedey. I've finally let go of my anger and jealousy and I'm looking forward to nothing but the future, whatever it may bring:) Yay god, thanks for an interesting life. Sometimes it feels like shit, but you gotta love the ride. There's ups and downs, but that's exactly it. That's the fuckin' point. I don't give a crap that life sucks sometimes... that's what life is. It's a part of life. Deal with it, instead of being a bitch. Love you readers, I know you're my true friends, because you wouldn't care to read this if you weren't. PEACE (and fuck Hamas)!
So, now that I've been publicly humiliated online, I'm glad that this is alll over.
I'll be posting more...I'm sure all 3 of you missed me :)