presentation "Reading with a purpose"

Aug 19, 2010 21:22

 The main idea is that setting a purpose for reading (by a teacher or yourself, no matter) will help you to focus on important information, consequently to learn more and better.

Examples of  GOOD specific focuses/purposes for reading include the following:
  -"While reading this chapter, answer these questions..."
  -"While you are reading keep a list of arguments that support giving monetary reparations to descendents of slaves, blah-blah-blah...

Following are POOR examples of specific focuses/purposes for reading:
  -Really think about what you are reading while you read.
  -For homework read pages 12 to 34 in your textbooks. Be prepared to discuss the reading in class tomorrow.
  -Read for general understanding.

Sooooo NS :DD

sse, iзадрот

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