Early May: Twins for H&M and ich bin da day

May 03, 2009 03:32

square head begone!

The boys designed and modeled shirt for H&M's "Fashion for Aids" campaign. Some other celebrities taking parts are Katy Perry, Yoko Ono and Dita von Teese. The shirts will be released at May 28th. The shirt with a skull says: ROCK HARD, FUCK SAFE!
source: http://www.abendblatt.de/daten/2009/05/02/1144227.html
ONTD post on it (hyehehehe): http://community.livejournal.com/ohnotheydidnt/34769544.html
MTV Buzzworthy (includes the t-shirts and full formation of the boys)http://buzzworthy.mtv.com/2009/05/04/tokio-hotels-new-hm-x-fashion-against-aids-t-shirt/

the hair is unsatisfying so manipppp (i'm bored)

manip 1 http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t115/me-lon/Tom/twinsHM.jpg
manip 2 http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t115/me-lon/Tom/twinsHM2.jpg

edit: photobucket slides XD i'll just delete my selfmade one. feel free to snatch as usual.

At the very first time seeing the H&M picture, I'm so happily excited. 10485621x OMGs. I lean toward approval except for the tappered top of the head, and 'squarey' hair.
Not very long after, I'm more and more unsatisfied. I still don't think the white synthetic locks is okay. I think it'd be nicer if they're reduced or trimed. The hair looks too heavy at the bottom and it also makes his face all the more angular and small. The face looks more mature now :sigh:
I like the less eyeliners, but not so sure about the tricky extra linings there..

I think my all time favorite Bill's hair and look is the RSG Bill or the Jingle Ball one or the jumbie one or the Comets Bill *_*

early this morning the ich bin da day is finally done.
May day, it's not a day off here :( 3-4 hours watching after work and then i'm dead :p
The http://w2.hidemyass.com generates spams on clicks but i think my comp can handle it.
The best option for me is the IP address change. the new IP address won't let me access LJ but it's no problem with another websites like youtube, twitter, forums. the new IP address also won't work on computers which already shielded by proxy like the ones at my workplace.
Also I'm still clueless about which way to get the viewing count, watching it fully until completely finished or just F5/refresh as soon as it starts loading ^^;
F5 would be much faster then the playlist thingy, i guess?
oh well, it was fun, what a hype at the comments space. much love there ^^
It's good for the spirit of fans. Incident like that raise the urge to fight, to do some action etc. the fanaction is love and sweet. It has some impact and it's a more harmless way to shoo the bad vibe caused by the incident compared to the beating out the stalkers into pulp :p

photo manipulation, tom k, tokio hotel, fanaction, bill k

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