Happy OMWF Day!!!

Nov 06, 2010 09:59

Some of you may already know this; the Buffy musical episode 'Once More, With Feeling' originally aired on this day (November 6th) in 2001.

A few days ago I had an ambitious vidding idea. The next morning, I found out that OMWF Day was coming up. This coincided too perfectly with my idea.

(SPOILERS for Buffy Season 6)

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The first of many LOST OMWF videos that I will be posting over the next few...however long it takes me. The videos won't tell any type of linear story, just a series of fan vids set to the music from OMWF.

These will either be really awesome or really terrible (or possibly a bit of both).

Keep an eye on my LJ. "I've Got A Theory" is coming soon!

lost in thought, vid, buffy stuff, fanboy moment

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