Some thoughts on "Always Darkest" as foreshadowing

Sep 02, 2010 18:04

"It's the one lesson you always forget, can't kill what's inside you."

Fits with Emmie's possession theories, which I have happily embraced.

"I left you in a smoking crater, and --" // "He wasn't the only one, pet."

Nor was Spike. *cough* the Master *cough*

"I missed you so much." // "Which one?"

Speaks for itself, I think.

"Do you, Buffy, take skinless Warren to be your lawfully wedded husband, to honor and obey and let him touch you with his slimy bits?" // "Only totally!"

And that OOC squee-face she's making. Remind anyone of anything?

...yeah, that's all I've got.

incoherent babble, buffy stuff

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