
Sep 04, 2010 09:08

The voting post for Round One: Challenge Two is now up at jossverse_las. Lots of votes are what help the community to run efficiently, so if Jossverse fanfiction tickles your fancy, go and read the collection of short (100 to 1,000 words) fics and vote according to your preferences.

UPDATE: I'm told that the vote count is a bit low at the moment. Please take the time to read the fics. Having participated in the voting, I can assure you that most of them are short and a lot of them are quite good.

Vote counts are also low in the charmed_las, thetudors_las, trueblood_las, and tvd_las comms.

Voting is not low, but still open (and more votes are always better) in the harrypotter_las, spn_las, tscc_las, twilight_las, and whoverse_las comms.

If any of those sound appealing to you, you might consider giving them a look.

doctor whoville, buffy stuff, dollhouse, fanboy moment

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