Twin Peaks reactions S2, eps 7-12

Aug 19, 2010 23:08

I was legitimately and truly enjoying it for a little bit there.

Is someone tap dancing or are the wooden floors just too loud with so many people?

Gah. I figured the asian dude had to be someone in disguise, but I did not suspect it was Catherine.

Oh shit! Leland is Bob!

This scene is particularly horrifying.


Dances with flashlights: too long and boring of a scene.


Some of these episode descriptions are really spoilery. "Cooper tricks the killer into revealing himself." Well, thanks for that. I'm sure this episode will be fun.

Ooh, Laura had the red room dream too...

"Gentlemen, there is more in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in our philosophy." // This is now the third show in which I've heard that.

"Maybe that's all Bob is, the evil that men do." // Reminds me of some of the stuff on Angel.


I'm gonna be pissed if Cooper actually leaves.

Nadine's storyline is both boring and frustrating thus far.

I'm rather bored now that Laura's story is over.


"Andrew Packard resurfaces." // Thanks,! Although, if these air dates are correct, this show is 20 years old, so I really don't have much room to complain about spoilers.

Long shots of James on his motorcylce, just what I always wanted. *yawns*

Does James not realize that Evelyn is trying to seduce him?

Ooh, I like the instrumentation from when Ben's watching old home movies. I do feel like there's a bit more musical variety this season. And better use of what they have.

I understand being kind of spoilery in an episode description, but the entire text of the description was the big reveal at the end of the episode., you continue to disappoint.


Cooper in plaid? ... Weird.

I don't like Dick, but I don't really like Andy either. Can we get another father candidate in here? ... Or maybe make Lucy gay? That's always fun.

How did a screwball like that ever get elected mayor? ... Oh, right, they said something about him running unopposed. Really? NO ONE else wants to be mayor of Twin Peaks?

My lack of interest in Nadine is slightly lessend by the joy of seeing Mike get his ass kicked.

Every time I see Cooper without a suit it just seems weirder.

Can we PLEASE just kill Bobby already?

And if they actually go there with Bobby/Audrey, I will be severely pissed.

"They have women agents?" // "More or less." // LoL.

Andy imagining Nicky as the devil. Quite funny.

So are we maybe setting up a whodunnit with James and Evelyn and Evelyn's brother?

Aaaand the Major is back. I'm not yet invested in him at all.


My interest is greatly lessened now that Laura Palmer has been solved. Ten episodes left. I'll probably try to burn trough them as quickly as possible.

reviewish stuff

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