
Jul 15, 2010 00:56

So...the Dollhouse season two Blu-Ray will have an extra commentary track that WON'T be on the DVD.

Seriously. Why the hell wouldn't you put it on both? Whoever was in charge of that decision...FUCK YOU! Go fuck yourselves, you corporate pigs. You've got a cult show with a nearly guaranteed market of loyal fans and you decide to fuck with us? THIS is precisely why people download this shit. It's high-priced enough in the first place and then you make us bend over backwards for one bonus feature. I buy the DVD's because I want to show my support for the show and demonstrate it's popularity to the network that cancelled it, but I will not buy that damn Blu-Ray disc. Even if I had a Blu-Ray player (and I've been considering a PS3, but I refuse to let one commentary track be the motivating factor in making decisions that I can't monetarily afford to make), after hearing that there was a commentary track not available on the DVD as well, I would still boycott the damn thing on principle (principle, something you bastards clearly lack). (And let's not get started on the American pseudo-free-market with consumers that lack the backbone to regulate their capitalist market the way they're supposed to.) I will, however, quite probably download the commentary track in a way that deliberately avoids contributing money to this atrocity. This is infuriating. I'm half-tempted to not even buy the DVD and just download that too. Big media is fighting a losing war against the free digital download and pissing off your customers is not going to win you any battles. Fuck off!


rant and ramble, dollhouse

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