Doctor Who thoughts

Apr 19, 2010 23:27

So, I've just finished watching the first two episodes in the latest season of Doctor Who (and I intend to watch the third episode sometime tomorrow morning) and I've decided to post up some of my thoughts so far. SPOILERS AHEAD!

Just some brief thoughts, really. I'm sleepy.

1. Didn't the sonic screwdriver light up green at the end of 'The Eleventh Hour.' It looked green to me and I thought that was cool. Then in 'The Beast Below' it was lighting up blue the whole time. I was disappointed.

2. "You've had some cowboys in here." He said it. The same thing he said to Madame DePompadour, he has now said to Amy Pond. I kind of want to be wrong on this. If I can figure it out after two episodes, I'm a little bit disappointed. Could this really be where Moffat's going? First of all, the crack already reeked of 'The Girl in the Fireplace' even before the Doctor turned up on the scene. And then he explained that they were points in time touching each other that shouldn't be touching or something like that. Sort of like a 51st century spaceship that was stalking an eighteenth century French woman. And then, if you please, the two-faced mechanized things in 'The Beast Below' ticked in a manner quite similar to the clockwork robots from 'The Girl in the Fireplace.' Admittedly, that one could just be me reaching, but what a coincidence. At the end of 'The Eleventh Hour' Amy asked why the Doctor had chosen her. Eventually, they reasoned out that the Doctor was lonely and the Doctor (a bit too transparently) insisted that that was the only reason. As he insisted that, a machine seemed to be analyzing some sort of important data or possibly a crack. And then, at the end of 'The Beast Below' there is definitely a crack, played up for the camera. SO: if nothing else, these cracks and Amy Pond are connected somehow. She might be the key to closing them, or the reason they're open, or both, or some other thing, but they're definitely connected. My potential theory: much like with Madame DePompadour, the cracks are spaced along Amy's life for some reason, but in her case, she is now traveling in time, so the cracks show up in more places. And just when did she get a chance to send a message back to herself in 'The Beast Below' anyway? Seems wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey. Which is another thing he mentioned when examining the first crack.

I might have more to add after I watch the third episode. These thoughts are both incomplete and sleepy, but they make sense in my head as of this moment.

< / ramble >

reviewish stuff, doctor whoville, fanboy moment

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