Fic: Who's to say I'm not?

Mar 30, 2010 19:14

Title: Who’s to say I’m not?
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: Femslashy goodness.
Summary: Two of the Scoobies try online dating.
A/N: The fic plays out as an IM conversation. I think I’ve read something similar before, but if I have I can’t remember where. At any rate, I doubt this is an original idea, but hopefully it’s still an enjoyable fic anyway.

Who's to say I'm not? )


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Comments 23

deird1 March 31 2010, 00:34:23 UTC
Hee! Fun!


me_llamo_nic March 31 2010, 00:37:50 UTC
Thanks! =D


websofseaweed March 31 2010, 01:03:25 UTC
oh, hahahaha! i love it so far! the perfect mix of cute and funny with a touch of steaminess. ;) i love how real the online interaction bit seems, with the emoticons and the misspellings and so on. hee.

will there be more parts?!


me_llamo_nic March 31 2010, 01:12:59 UTC
will there be more parts?!

I don't have anything written right now, but I won't rule anything out. As I type this comment I can hear a plot bunny hopping in the distance, so it's possible.

Thanks for reading! =D


websofseaweed March 31 2010, 01:43:05 UTC
yaaay! *crosses fingers* i hope so!


the_visitor March 31 2010, 02:27:56 UTC
Cool beans! I guessed right! Very darling indeed, and nicely done. Cool buildup, good use of spelling mistakes, and...just nice fun. Write more, go on ahead.


me_llamo_nic March 31 2010, 02:48:15 UTC
Glad you liked it. The spelling and grammar was a strange experience.

Write more, go on ahead.

If my lonely plot bunny finds a mate, then it won't take long for a sequel to form.


beer_good_foamy March 31 2010, 06:16:02 UTC
Bwah! Loved it. Great character voices coming through, too.


me_llamo_nic March 31 2010, 11:36:51 UTC
Thanks! =D


mabus101 March 31 2010, 06:46:15 UTC
*snicker* It took me a while to figure that one out....


me_llamo_nic March 31 2010, 11:37:36 UTC
That's the fun! =D


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