(no subject)

Jul 02, 2009 23:46

Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.

Or you could just ask nicely. You don't have to yell at me. But you can if you want to.

Allan gave me:

The Chronicle: My most wonderful brainchild to date. Though the title still needs work. I recently got my mother and one of her colleagues from work to start reading it and am anxiously awaiting feedback. To avoid spoiling some of my LJ friends, Allan: What do you think about the second book xsymtomt gsu vixeh vjin Joxi ymw Xogjy? Yju gsu juywujh ypjuywa gii yggyxsuw gi gsihu xsyjuxgujh? I feel like I've got an interesting story going with Fypjim, Gumgjeh, ymw gsu Qmotsgh. I really want to tell a bit of the development of things during the time gsyg Joxi oh hlumwomt om gsu gonu fijguc, but some feedback I'm getting is making me wonder if that's such a good idea. Eventually I plan to start vipwomt el niju ymw niju gonu yh xujgyom upunumgh yju uhgyzpohsuw ymw gsu hogeygoim zuxinuh puhh vpeow. I'll probably even start jumping straight from inu iv Joxi'h ylluyjymxuh gi ymigsuj at some point. I'm almost afraid to ask this, but should I just start doing that now?? I feel like if I did then people would want to know what happened in between. I thought I played up the gjytuwa angle pretty well, making it clear in that final scene.

Billie Piper: I liked her character on Doctor Who. She's fairly nice looking. That's about all I've got to say for her.

Ponca City: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. But I can live here for almost free at the moment and it's hard to get the motivation to go anywhere else.

Novelists: I'm glad that they exist. I have enjoyed many good times because of novelists. People (and by people I mean Eliza Dushku once in an interview) say that Joss Whedon is like a novelist and I agree with that. I wish he would write novels instead of comic book continuations of his shows.

The Southern Hemisphere: I have never been there. For the most part it doesn't sound like I'm missing much though.
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