my top 10 favorite Buffy episodes

Jun 27, 2009 18:15

I'm going through some Buffyphoria at the moment, so just bare with me. I've been rewatching Buffy yet again, but limiting myself to one episode each day which is actually raising my excitement level. Anywho, the people over at Whedonesque are listing their top 10 Buffy episodes and I'd probably do this there, but Whedonesque registration is not always open and I still haven't found my chance to join yet. So here's my list, in no particular order.

1. Welcome to the Hellmouth
2. Conversations with Dead People
3. Passion
4. Two to Go (also Villains and Grave, but I narrowed it to one)
5. Intervention
6. The Wish
7. Once More, With Feeling
8. Restless
9. Normal Again
10. Chosen

Hard to narrow down to ten, but I reckon those are the top ones.

buffy stuff, fanboy moment

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