
May 14, 2009 12:13

I've moved from cautious optimism to hope; this can't be good.

Dollhouse is described as "still in play" at http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118003619.html?categoryid=14&cs=1

Joss Whedon has reportedly pitched the network on his vision for season 2 and re-budgeting. http://www.thrfeed.com/2009/05/fox-picks-up-lie-to-me-and-human-target.html

Apparently there have been talks about creative financing and/or budget cuts. Also, Eliza Dushku wants it to happen. http://twitter.com/ElizaPatricia/status/1772959822

Miracle Laurie is urging fans to make their voices heard. http://twitter.com/miraclelaurie/status/1795423566

ETA: Dollhouse fans crashed FOX's voicemail system. http://www.endofshow.com/2009/05/14/dollhouse-fans-crash-fox-phone-system-asking-for-second-series/

ETA: You just can't stop the hope train. TV journalist Michael Schneider says Dollhouse will likely return. http://twitter.com/franklinavenue/status/1808662718
THR says FOX is leaning toward renewal. http://www.thrfeed.com/2009/05/dollhouse-second-season.html
Ausiello says that episode 13 will probably be picked up as well. http://twitter.com/EWAusielloFiles/status/1809024330
I might seriously die of hope waiting to find out.

All this is causing me to feel hope. *grumbles incoherently*

"Where all those merciless vampires had not been able to finish me off, hope would do the job." -New Moon-


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