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elisi April 14 2013, 07:30:37 UTC
He was very Doctor-y. But not very One-ish. From what I've seen of One he was grumpy, dismissive of humans, and not one for getting involved. Also he never said 'Hmmm?'

Also it was a Gatiss script. Of course Moffat would be involved but...

Still, he filled a very Doctor-y role, esp when it came to Clara. If we get a guy with a Beatles haircut & a recorder next week I'd say your theory is GO! :D


me_llamo_nic April 14 2013, 15:42:32 UTC
He wasn't necessarily un-One-ish. Somewhat less grumpy, to be sure, but he still didn't seem too far off to me.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think we got a name anywhere in the episode. Just "Professor." Which, funnily enough, is what Ace called the Seventh Doctor. And is it really common practice to have a professor on a sub stocked with nuclear missiles? Even the way he dodges the question about it being a mammoth seems suspect to me.

But I could easily be jumping at shadows. (I blame the Bad Wolf...and Torchwood...and Harold Saxon...and the Doctor-Donna...and the four knocks...and the exploding TARDIS...and the Silence...and Melody Pond...and lake Silencio...and Clara Oswin Oswald.) And I'm probably inclined toward certain conclusions because of the casting news for the 50th Anniversary ( ... )


elisi April 14 2013, 15:49:19 UTC
Moffat just loves to drive me mad. And then it'll probably something simple, hidden in plain sight again.
It'll be something simple, and something that'll answer everything in one go. (I still say Omega.)

Also, Promethia pointed out that the Professor was very much a River-mirror.

Although as you say - it could be anything from coincidence to sneaky stealth-arc.

But surely Eleven would sense him? Unless he was somehow fobwatched or... OK, I give up. If it WAS One, you get all the awards.


me_llamo_nic April 14 2013, 16:02:11 UTC
OK, I give up. If it WAS One, you get all the awards.

Well, I've never once been correct when I've tried to guess what the series is doing...so there's that.

(I still say Omega.)

Well, there was that reference in Akhaten. (It made me think Mind Robber, but then I saw your post mention Omega and I realized that fit better.) And he was in a previous multi-Doctor adventure...

I think you win all the awards if it's Omega.

Also, Promethia pointed out that the Professor was very much a River-mirror.

A River-mirror? Interesting. I'll have to re-watch with that in mind. I got so stuck on my First Doctor theory that it was hard to see much of anything else.

Which makes this the first Ice Warrior story that I have any interest in re-watching. \o/


elisi April 14 2013, 16:08:35 UTC
Well, I've never once been correct when I've tried to guess what the series is doing...so there's that.
LOL. And hey - you might get lucky!

I think you win all the awards if it's Omega.
I'm pretty sure I got the idea from someone else, but I've definitely been thinking that it's him since S5 and we found at that there was someone messing with the Doctor's life. (I don't think the lovely Professor was Omega - I think he was just a nice Professor. Although definitely... odd. If he turns out to be significant I'll be terribly happy.) Anyways, Omega is big enough to be proper major villain, he's a Time Lord, so can do things like sending a signal to the TARDIS continually (when they replaced Amy with a flesh copy) or trap the Doctor in his own dreams & write Gallifreyan at him, or create something is impossible as Clara... Plus he's insane, holds a grudge, and wasn't wrapped up in the Time War.

A River-mirror? Interesting. I'll have to re-watch with that in mind. I got so stuck on my First Doctor theory that it was hard to see much of ( ... )


me_llamo_nic April 14 2013, 16:24:45 UTC
The Doctor: Professor, I could kiss you!

The Professor: If you insist...

I've got to admit, it's easy to imagine River in that spot.

Omega is big enough to be proper major villain...

Wow. Now that you say all that... Wow... Now I think I need to re-watch The Three Doctors as well.

And hey - you might get lucky!

Well, if nothing else, the law of averages is bound to catch up with me eventually.


elisi April 14 2013, 16:28:23 UTC
I've got to admit, it's easy to imagine River in that spot.
It's a shout out to the Angel episodes.

Doctor: "River Song I could bloody kiss you!"
River: "Maybe when you're older..."

Wow. Now that you say all that... Wow... Now I think I need to re-watch The Three Doctors as well.
Plus the soldier types in the Angel episodes & AGMGTW have Omega symbols on their clothing. Besides, who else would want to - AND BE ABLE TO - blow up the universe? You'd need a proper crackpot.

Well, if nothing else, the law of averages is bound to catch up with me eventually.
I'll cross my fingers for you!


me_llamo_nic April 14 2013, 16:56:25 UTC
Plus the soldier types in the Angel episodes & AGMGTW have Omega symbols on their clothing.

You know, I was just recently watching The Wedding of River Song and I remember noticing the greek Omega on her uniform at the end...but I didn't make the connection to the Time Lord Omega. That theory holds up surprisingly well. I fear that if I adopt it, it may immediately become wrong.

Besides, who else would want to blow up the universe? You'd need a proper crackpot.

Indeed. And he definitely fits the bill for that.

I also recently re-watched The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang (I was trying to watch River's life in order) and I definitely got the sense that there are two parties involved here. One that wants to prevent the falling of the silence...and one that wants to cause it. Omega certainly seems the type for causing it. As a fellow Time Lord, he'd also have a pretty good sense of the weight of The Question.

I feel like I need to watch everything over and over again because there's always a fresh perspective to apply to it.


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