Good episode. Well done, all around.
My mom called it about halfway through. (I always watch it the first time with my mom, because she pesters me for spoilers if I've already seen it.) But, clever boy that I am, I went, "Pfft, he's not in the Tesalecta; that's too obvious." However, I'd forgotten that this is the hidden-in-plain-sight season.
And it doesn't get anymore hidden-in-plain-sight than that question. And yes, I do believe that's the question, because I'm becoming convinced that the answer is his name. Though, when you travel with me, rule one is that once I voice a theory, it is automatically and completely wrong. So...there's that.
"You've decided that the universe is better off without you, but the universe doesn't agree."
I'm SO GLAD that line was in there.
I totally guessed* what the eye patches were for. *(see also: Read someone else guessing it on facebook and thought it was probably right.)
I also really loved the Doctor waving from the eye. It was just one of those perfectly hilarious, perfectly Eleven-y moments.
A very enjoyable finale. I'm very excited for the next series.