Classic Who: 4 Serials and a Movie

Sep 18, 2011 19:44

Remembrance of the Daleks, Battlefield, The Curse of Fenric, Survival, and Doctor Who: The Movie (1996).

Remembrance of the Daleks

Neat intro.

"It's not my fault this decade's got no street cred." // Oh, have mercy.

So, this is Ace?

Creepy singing girl is creepy.

Why does she keep calling him "Professor"?

"Ace, give me some of that Nitro-9 that you're not carrying."

I do like Ace's jacket.

1963? Right when the series started.

Ooh, it's climbing the stairs.

So, who's going to insist he be interrogated this time?

Is that Geoffrey from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

"I thought you said he was an old geezer with white hair?" // I thought that might be what he meant when he said he left something the last time he was there.

"And Saturday viewing continues with an adventure of the new science fiction series, Doc-"

Ace with the bat is definitely cool. She's quite an improvement over the last two.

Oh, dear me, that big-headed Dalek.

The score is pretty nice. Quintessentially 80's, but nice.

I like how the middle eight section starts up right as the TARDIS comes into full view.

And another plan to attack Gallifrey. Time War marches on.

So, did he destroy Skaro in 1963, or did the Dalek ship travel in time before returning to Skaro?


Is that the Brigadier?

"Awww shhhhhame." // I really thought she was going to say something else.

"Merlin. Oh, against all hope." // "I hate good wizards in fairytales. They usually turn out to be him."

"Ignore them. They're just establishing their credentials."

"Are you Merlin?" // "No. But I could be, in the future. That is, my personal future. Which could be the past."

"Any advanced form of technology is indistinguishable from magic." // Basically the difference between Sci-Fi and Fantasy.

"Women. Not really my field." // "Don't worry, Brigadier. People will be shooting at you soon."

Bessie. Heh.

"Geronimo!" -Ace- // Can't hear it without thinking of Eleven.

"I play poker! And I have an Ace up my sleeve!"

"Ace, have you no sense of occasion?" // "No."

The Curse of Fenric

Oh, look, he's actually using his umbrella to block rain.

Man, not a lot to say about that one then. I liked it though.


"You had to pick a Sunday, didn't you?" // "I never land on Sundays. Sundays are boring."


So, the Master is now an old man who lives alone with a bunch of cats?

"Somewhere there's danger. Somewhere there's injustice. And somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace. We've got work to do."

The Movie

Like the theme.

Oh. I thought we'd just be picking up with Eight.

And how about that TARDIS interior.

Oh, damn, seriously? Of all the ways to die.

"The Doctor is half-human." // Yes, I'd heard about that. This movie is only loosely canon though, right?

"See, I told you it was small." // "What is it they say?" // "Yeah, they say that on my planet too."

"Why'd you do that?" // "Liven things up! Come on."

"Which is why we have no time to waste." // "But time to change?" //// "Always waste time when you don't have any. Time is not the boss of you."

Not bad. I quite like Eight, on the whole.

Favorite Doctors: 10, 11, 9, 4, 2, 8/6/5, 7, 3, 1
Favorite TARDIS Team: Four, Romana, and K-9. (Honorable Mention: Two, Jamie, and Zoe.)
Favorite Classic Serial: Genesis of the Daleks

So, I'm definitely going to through again for some of the serials I've skipped. I've been having trouble deciding exactly how much of it I want to watch.

The first part of my new list came together from a youtube video where someone asked for Classic Who recs. I read through the comments and anything that was mentioned at least twice, I added to my list.

Then I said to myself that I wanted every first and last episode for each Doctor.

Then I said to myself that I didn't want to watch any more reconstructions.

I found out there was a whole season with the Master, so I dceded those were worth it.

While watching Four, I decided I wanted all of his episodes.

While watching Seven and Ace, I decided I wanted all of their episodes as well.

This is the list that I've come up with.

The Aztecs
(I'm told that Chesterton takes off his suit and proceeds to "kick major arse". Also, it was recommended multiple times on the aforementioned youtube video.)
The Rescue
(Eleventh Hour Podcast did an episode for this one and I'd like to be able to listen to it.)
The Time Meddler
(I want to know more about the Monk.)
The Highlanders
The Moonbase
The Macra Terror
The Dominators
The Krotons
The Seeds of Death
(I decided to get everything with Two that wasn't a reconstruction.)
(After factoring in the episodes from the youtube recs, the regenerations, the Fourth Doctor, and Ace, there really wasn't much left to add. I wasn't terribly interested in Three, Adric, Tegan, Nyssa, Turlough, Peri, or Mel, but after everything else, I just decided to go for it.)

In short, these reaction posts are far from over.

reviewish stuff, doctor whoville, fanboy moment

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