
Dec 05, 2010 16:57

My latest contribution to the youtubeseses.

Ted - Mr. Roboto

(Frakking copyright police won't let me embed it.)

And here's another link:

(I thought vidders vids were embeddable, but I can't seem to figure out how.)

A 'Ted' fanvid, set to Styx's 'Mr. Roboto'.

Can't really take full credit for this one. I got the idea while listening to the PotentialCast Podcast. They stick a song at the end of each episode that fits the theme in some humorous way. Their latest episode used Styx's 'Mr. Roboto' and I couldn't help but noticing how well it fit, so I decided to throw this together. Hope it's enjoyable.

Check out PotentialCast at

vid, buffy stuff

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