survey meme

Dec 03, 2010 13:22

Stolen from therussianenemy .

A - Age: Twenty-three.

B - Bed size: Pretty sure it's Queen. Might be Full.

C - Cat's name: Hmm, don't actually have a cat. Let's just pretend I've vicariously adopted Luna and Artemis. (10 points if you know the reference.)

D - Don't like to: Ride a bus across the country (but I will be doing that soon to get to my brother's wedding).

E - Essential start your day item(s): Clothes, OJ, glass.

F - Favorite color(s): Green, Purple, and Tie-dye off the top of my head.

G - Gold or Silver: Silver.

H - Height: 5'10"

I - Instruments you play: Keyboard.

J - Job: The glamorous position of board operator at a local radio station.

K - Kids: Uncertain.

L - Living Arrangements: Embarassing. Shameful. Not usually a point of conversation.

M - Mom's Name: Tina.

N - Nicknames: "Nic", "Burt", "Penguin".

O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: None to speak of.

P - Pet Peeve: Stupid people. Bigots. Politicians. Cable news. Commercials. Working with the public. Country music. Shitty rap music. Over-privileged assholes. Okay, I'll stop now. (Totally stole those answers from Lydia.)

Q - Quote from a movie: "Dobby did not mean to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or...seriously injure." (Or something like that. I've forgotten the exact wording.)

R - Right or left handed: Right.

S- Siblings: I'm the oldest of two.

T - Time you wake up: Anytime from 7 to 9 most mornings.

U- Underwear: Hanes.

V - Vegetable you dislike: Is asparagus a vegetable? It smells aweful.

W - Workout Style: Genetically UN-lucky couch potato.

X- X-rays you've had: Only at the dentist.

Y - Yummy food you make: I make a mean pizza.

Z - Zoo favorite: The french monkey with pants.

survey says

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