writing vent

Nov 30, 2010 22:03

Been trying, ever-so-slowly, to work on and edit my novels. I've been hitting a significant block around the protagonist of the first book.


I don't like him.

He's a bit like what Jack Shephard from LOST is to me, in that I'm supposed to like him, but I really don't. And then I do something to try to give him depth and make him intersting, but it really doesn't.

I used to like this guy. (And there was a time when I would've taken to Jack as well.) I used to really get into those type of protagonists (I enjoyed them when I originally wrote this guy), but now I find them so dull and formulaic.

It's not a terrible problem because I pretty much wrote him out at the end of the first book, but it still makes editing a pain on top of a pain.

I'm pondering just leaving the first book in its largely un-edited state for the time being and just skipping to the story and characters that I'd really like to be working with.

That's the thing. The first book is almost completely centered around this guy who used to interest me, but now bores me. The second is much more of an ensemble piece.

I can't figure out if I need to add more ensemble focus to the first book or if that would detract from the actual plot that this guy's going through.

Honestly, most of my editing efforts with the first book have been very discouraging. Add to that the fact that I don't like the protagonist and I start to wonder if writing is really the path for me.

I'm not sure what I'm looking for with this post, but I needed to vent a bit. Do you lot have any opinions?

working on my novel(s)

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