Apr 17, 2009 18:07
Y'all, I've snagged more dub than you can shake a spliff at!
Every dub compilation has their own version of the artists' story. Dem is genie, smart boi, no work good with dem wid studio, build dem own studio, have catchy name, release dem many world hits, reggae nebbuh da same, Babylon craps dem pants.
Remembered my damn login to facebook the other day. I think my last login was about 18 months ago before that. I remember finding about 5 friends and then what? I come back now and my gmail address list zooms me up to over 100 friends. MegaLOLz. I even got 16 pics of myself without doing anything. EPIC WIN!! And the best part, it's fun now, not only that, but the UI is so freakin' easy it inspires. If I could get Battle of the Bits even half as intuitive I'd craps dem pants!!