(no subject)

Aug 04, 2005 02:58

Tonight was really fun!! =)

I met amy [♥] on Cedarview, and we walked to her sisters house to watch her nephew.. ben.. aww he's so cute! =P haha then we came back to my house.. went swimming...

LMAO, while we were at amy's sisters house... we decided that we would make Chicken Fajita's hahaha. well.. this is how THAT went:

alisa- "Is the chicken cooked Amy?"
amy- *pokes* "Yeah..Yeah it's cooked man"
alisa- "Are you sure?! I don't wanna die!! =S"
amy- *cuts chicken breast open*
alisa- "It's bright pink! And raw... and... and..AND ITS STILL FROZEN!"

hahahaha.... oh wow. never trust us to cook for you..

So, we stayed at her sisters for a little bit.. went on msn, and the internet for a bit.. haha..then, amy lifts up her shirt and says..

amy- "why is the bath suit top so spread far apart in the front?! *looks down at chest and tries to pull bathing suit together*
alisa- *laughs to herself*.... "dude... its upside-down" LMAO

she put her bathing suit on upside-down! lmao haha oh wow...

Then, we came back to my house and amy got to swim in her new bikini ;) hehe. it was really fun..We played with the flashing torpedo, (otherwise known as "the green flashing dildo" hahaha)....we talked, looked at the stars[♥].. THEN we went inside and made the best video the recording network has EVER seen...

amy- *looks through my windows media player* "Le Tigre!"
alisa- *off in the background* "You know them?"
amy- *still staring at the screen, eyes wide open* .........................."yeah"... "i have their cd".

ahahahahahahha! x597884651

you just HAD to be there to understand how funny it really was... amy's a great dancer... and a great stripper ;) tee hee jk =P haha yeah.. tonight was reallllly funn... we have to do that again another day amy! =D [ ♥] LOVE YA!

SoMe PiCs Of AmY's NeW sUiT...... AnD oUr NiGhT =D [ ♥]

 i wonder what your thinkin.. =P

 Kisses for EvErYoNe! =D


aww shes so happy!

 aww thats such a cute picture!!!!


♥ *aLisa* ♥
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