Dec 31, 2010 21:58


It goes like so. You ask a question of me. I respond and ask a question of you. You respond. Rinse, repeat, infinity.

Good? Good.

I play America Rita Ezio.


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sharpenned January 1 2011, 06:58:49 UTC
Who do you want from Ezio's canon the most!!1 right now?


me_fuckyeah January 1 2011, 07:01:12 UTC
I would give my left kidney for a Cristina Vespucci or a Leonardo da Vinci. Either one of those would make my RIGHT NOW!!! urges completely happy.

SO is Mukuro hiding his name from Ezio for a reason? :|a


sharpenned January 1 2011, 15:09:39 UTC
Not really! I mean no big reasons. He finds it funny. He also doesn't use Italian a lot because lolol Italy >:[! But mostly he just... finds it funny...

What country do you think America would get along with really well that has not shown up in Hetalia yet!


me_fuckyeah January 1 2011, 17:02:10 UTC
Israel! Like... I know that's controversial as hell, but frankly it's true. America stans for Israel and there's nothing I, nor anyone else, can do about it. I'd say Australia, but Australia at least has a design, and did speak a few lines in the Christmas event.

What does Laura do on a typical Saturday night?


sharpenned January 1 2011, 17:12:39 UTC
She usually either does something like training or watch videos. Now that Julian and Kiden are here she probably spends time with them!

What are your top three favorite things about playing Rita?


get_hothothot January 2 2011, 16:52:55 UTC


1. She's tsundere. So, I love playing her overreactions a lot. It tends to make threads really interesting!
2. She's also fairly smart and capable, which makes her a good character to do exploring threads with... Or to just throw that in the face of other characters.
3. God, her cast. I don't think I've ever been on the same page with a cast like I have this one. It makes for some really adorable and sometimes poignant threads that just... satisfy me! Because the characters are close without outright stating that!

Why should I read/watch DRRR?


alexander January 2 2011, 17:01:21 UTC
Hmm. Did you see Baccano and did you like it? It's hard for me to rec Drrr in terms of style sometimes, because Nartia is difficult for me to compare to other anime/manga/things ( ... )


me_fuckyeah January 2 2011, 18:51:00 UTC
I have lots of them. My favorite bawww strip will always be America's Cleaning Out The Closet strips, but he has so many strips that I love for completely different reasons. Like getting Japan to be social so that he can make friends with whales, to show how much of a derp he is.

Or the recent Christmas special where he admitted he gets jealous of kids receiving presents from their parents, which adds a new layer of adorable to him, I feel like!

Have your character pings changed over time?


sharpenned January 2 2011, 18:52:41 UTC
Hmmmmmmmm. A little bit but it is more of a "can I manage this character in camp" than an actual ping adjustment. Because I'm learning that the characters I love the most are often poorly suited for Camp and have to try and pick and choose which ones I can actually sustain.

It is hilarious but my character pings have stayed mostly the same. . . e-even from my Paixao days OTL!

Same to you!


grazie January 2 2011, 18:57:42 UTC
MY CHARACTER PINGS ACTUALLY HAVE... Sort of adjusted. I love the evil characters still, but it's like you. I've had to adjust to what types of characters I can actually keep running in Camp. Not to say I don't love the characters I have, but if I had a villain to fuck with people too, I'd be happy.

I just have an aversion to ICA = ICC in the case of the type of evil I'm drawn to because of the whole fact it makes them really hard to play unless they're significantly overpowered. Which doesn't happen a lot!

So, I've tended to go towards my good character pings. Which is strong women, and derpy boys.

So, what plots would you like to see someone do in Camp?


sharpenned January 2 2011, 19:03:58 UTC
I want to seeeeeee hmm. It's hard because TBQH large camp plots . . .are not my thing. There's too many people and too many things to get done in a large scale plot. I'd like to see plots with microbursts of activity for smaller groups of players. I would like plots that facilitate character development or new relations the most though.

What characters do you want to app but know you can't in Camp for xyz reason?


grazie January 2 2011, 19:09:23 UTC

I'd totally love to do Zagi, because he's batshit insane. But I like the more calm, calculated villains that will fuck with you hard. Unfortunately, I've forgotten the canon for most of them.

I think I can't primarily because I've forgotten their canons, but also because. IDK, ICA = ICC aversion in the case of evil.

Same at you!


sharpenned January 2 2011, 19:12:44 UTC
The Corinthian, Dietrich and Lucifer are all characters that I failed at in Camp for that reason. I mean, Dietrich less so than the other two but he's a character who has a very short shelf life in an RP like Camp.

Apos from Mnemosyne is another.

Hmmmm. Who would you make me app?


grazie January 2 2011, 19:15:27 UTC
Hmmm... See it's kind of difficult for me! All of my canons don't really have the type... of character you like.

Maybe Cesare Borgia? But he's kind of old-man-ish. Lucrezia Borgia is another that I think has just enough canon to be apped. And she's less old-man-ish and more kind of obsessed-ish.

Same in reverse, again. |D


alexander January 2 2011, 20:00:50 UTC
Maaaaaaybe one of the girls from DRRR. There are a lot of cool female characters :|a Ti. . . fa? From ffvii?

I think I am out of questions :|a


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