(no subject)

Oct 08, 2004 18:05

Today overall was a decent day , i went to college just like anyother friday and indulged in piss easy animation drawings etc etc. Although i do admit it didnt look that good , i grabbed a basic understanding of what and how 'movement' was represented in animation. Am slowly but surely getting behind on workies , in that . So soon am going to take a seat on the carpet downstairs and go through all the work that needs to be completed and start to create my portfolio. Just have had thought , that wanted to go around to heathers and talk and drink tea and such things , have text her . Doubt she will text back. Umm , while in tutorial today we were visited by a UCAS dude and he told me absolutely everything i needed to know about university , which is really good :) i mean £15,000 isnt really that much debt is it ?!? Well yes it is , but media is a very big industry so is likely i shall get a nice jobby and pay back everything that is owed and will absolutely love being rich! then can go travelling like i had planned to japan , india australia and of course the good ol US of A . Thats the next 5 years planned out i think , well about that any way. Had bacon and mushrooms for tea , thought may as well get used to studenty type foods. Wish had more money . But then no i dont because were pretty poor , get lovely £1000 for self when go to university and also a nice £5,500 loan for living in london ! its all planned now i thinks :) good stuff , good good stuff . Well thats pretty much it all , have to go shopping soon with heather for outfit for shanes b'day party , to make casey look alot less scruffy and more purdyfull ( although that is a task!) . Thats all about it really .
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