Rakastunut taas ja annat kaiken mennä päin helvettiä.

Mar 04, 2011 21:33

What the hell? I tried to update the journal and it didn't let me write in the entry box. Well, it's working now again, obviously.

Feeling torn again. Part of me wants to go home and an equal part wants to stay. Suddenly the months seem to fly past. Or mayby it's just the short February. Anyway, we have so much to do in March that there no time to stop and wonder, and then it's the beginning of the new term and I'm off to Finland. I should start thinking about packing and plane tickets and getting a now apartment (well my papers are already in at Ellit). And I haven't done half the things I planned to do while in Japan. Haven't been a tourist almost at all, hardly even left Kyoto. I also wanted to go to some gigs, but we have to be home at 22 so that's pretty much impossible, even more so since all the bands only go to Osaka and during weekdays. I'm in need of some serious headbanging.

Yeah, and Sielut veljet are making a come back in Ilosaari about a week before I return. Out of any bands in the history of rock they were the one I wanted to see (well, Elvis and The Beatles of course, just because they are Elvis and The Beatles). I almost want to escape school a bit too early. They disbanded in the beginning of 90s and I still hear people occasionally telling how insanely great their gigs were. I just hope that they are making a tour next winter and Ilosaari isn't some one time only thing.

Other news, I'm turning into a wannabe cougar, how's that? It's not like I'm going to do anything about it, me being me, but whoah. Yah, age is only a number and all that, but this is still a bit too much. Especially since the school is this school, dating anyone, even more so anyone inside the school, is just not done. Period. (Of course they are doing it all the time, but it's a very hush hush thing). Well, since I can't take this seriously it's actually lot of fun. I do this every single spring, stupid me...
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