I have a busy week ahead of me. I have to go to the doctors on wednesday to get all the blood work done. After the doctors appointment, Adam and I are going down to the property so we can get it ready for the wedding saturday. We are staying down there the whole time. On friday we have the rehersal dinner. What fun. I am so anxious and nervous about it. I really don't want it to rain. That is all I am worried about. Damn outside weddings. It is stressing me out. Not really a lot but, some.
I really need to find a job. It is so hard though. Because of the fact that I'm pregnant, I can't work a lot of different places. I don't really know where to go to even try to find a job. I have gone a lot of places and applied but, no one has even called me back. I just have to try harder I guess.
I realized yesterday that I haven't felt nasause in a while. Quite a while actually. It is a good feeling. I am not hungry all the time like other woman are who are close to my week. I don't know what is different with me. I pee a lot, my breasts are super sore, and I eat when I'm hungry but, just like three times a day or so. I thought I would be more hungry than this. *Confused look on face* Maybe I am hungrier than before and I just don't realize it or something. I don't know. I do get some cravings but, not many. I think I realized why that is though. Because I was craving White Castle fries and then when I got them my craving changed to cinnamin rolls and it has been that since. I think that as soon as I have one I will crave something else. It is weird. Maybe I just think that and I am not really craving that much. O well. I do like salt A LOT more than before. I put tons of it on my fries, eggs, or whatever I put salt on. I never really liked salt that much. I haven't felt all that pregnant for a while other than the baby giving me weird feelings in my tummy. Like early in the morning when I wake up to go to the bathroom, my stomach is all tight. And I wake up a lot because my stomach is tight so I have to roll over. I guess it will come back with time. It just makes me feel like something is wrong. I don't know. I will go to the doctors on wednesday and I will hear the heartbeat and get tests done and I will know that everything is fine.
Well, I guess I have written enough.
Love, Mommy.